The HYPNOGORIA PODCASTVoices from the moon. Mad rambling and weird fictions. Nonsense guaranteed A family of four podcasts from Mr Jim Moon Originally what was one show Hypnobobs is now a quartet the indepth discussions and reviews come under the banner of the Hypnogoria podcast, bite size shows and generally odds and sods appear as Microgoria, theres in depth book review with Miss Odile Thomas in Tomegoria, and our famous readings of classic weird fiction are now broadcast as From the Great Library of DreamsMad rambling and weird fictions Nonsense guaranteed A family of four podcasts from Mr Jim Moon Originally what was one show Hypnobobs is now a quartet the. EPISODE ARCHIVES Right click on the link and save link as to download each episode, or the title will take you to the episode details page. Colins Colours is a Level 1 reader. Its fun and informative subject matter will capture a childs interest in reading and learning English while reinforcing the. SUBSCRIBE OR LISTEN ONLINE HEREOR GRAB IT FROM i. TUNES IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS OR FEEDBACK, SEND STUFF TO hypnogoriagmail. CHECK OUT OUR NEW LINE OF AUDIOBOOKS ON BANDCAMPAVAILABLE NOW The Haunter of the Dark by HP Lovecraft. The Mezzotint by MR James. ALSO MORE MICROREADINGS AND MINICASTS CAN BE HEARD HERE ON SOUNDCLOUDDownload it here. HYPNOBOBS 0 Welcome To The Great Library of Dreams. New listeners start hereIn folklore, a ghost sometimes known as an apparition, haunt, phantom, poltergeist, shade, specter or spectre, spirit, spook, and wraith is the soul or spirit of a. An all new introductory episode in which Mr Jim Moon welcomes you to the Great Library of Dreams at Hypnogoria Towers, explains what the cast is about and features a sample review of Italian zombie nonsense Burial Ground 1. Lord Halifaxs Ghost Book. MICROGORIA Call from the Deep A short info cast in which Mr Jim Moon details his newly launched Patreon campaign. HYPNOGORIA 7. 2 Recent Horror Round up Part 1 October is here and Halloween is not far away. So then, in the first of a two part offering, Mr Jim Moon takes a look at some recent horror movies for your autumnal viewing pleasure. In this show we review Prevenge, The Evil Within, The Void and The Girl With All the Gifts. HYPNOGORIA 7. 1 Scarred For Life Volume 1 Do you remember the 7. Strange decade wasnt itPost apocalyptic dramas, weird crime fighters, spooky SF shows, and some genuinely terrifying ghost stories. And that was just the childrens television Come take a trip back to that very disturbing decade where terror and horror lurked everywhere from TV to comics to board games and even snack foods Relive those golden days with Mr Jim Moon as we take an in depth look at Scarred For Life Volume 1 by Stephen Brotherstone and Dave Lawrence, a marvellous tome that both catalogues and celebrate that was weird and unsettling in the 1. MICROGORIA 4. 6 Sky In this episode, Mr Jim Moon revisits one of the strangest ever TV shows for children, HTVs Sky, a bizarre SF tale that puzzled, perplexed and petrified a generation back in the 1. HYPNOGORIA 7. 0 A Tribute to Len Wein In this episode, we mark the passing of another great talent, comics legend Len Wein, a man who penned classics runs on Spiderman, the Incredible Hulk, X Men, the Phantom Stranger, the Justice League and Batman, and also created Swamp Thing and Wolverine GREAT LIBRARY OF DREAMS 3. Dickon the Devil The end of the summer is upon us, the days are beginning to shorten, and hence its the perfect time for an autumnal tale of terror. Mr Jim Moon once again invites you to the cosy fireside of the Great Library of Dreams to hear a classic chiller from the man considered by the great MR James to be the best writer of ghost stories, Sheridan Le Fanu. HYPNOGORIA 6. 9 A Tribute to Tobe Hooper In another special episode, Mr Jim Moon pays tribute to the great Tobe Hooper, who sadly passed away this week. In this episode we take a look back over his life and works, discussing genre defining classics such as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Salems Lot and Poltergeist, as well as some of his less discussed movies such as Eaten Alive, The Fun House and Invaders from Mars. HYPNOGORIA 6. 8 Day of the Triffids Part III In this third but not final part of our unnatural history of the triffids, we take a look at how Wyndhams horrible herbiage has fared on the small screen, reviewing the classic BBC six part series produced in 1. HYPNOGORIA 6. 7 Day of the Triffids Part IIContinuing our exploration of the unnatural history of the triffids, in this episode Mr Jim Moon looks at the various radio versions produced down the years by the BBC, and then joins Howard Keel to take on John Wyndhams horticultural horrors on the big screen in the 1. HYPNOGORIA 6. 6 Day of the Triffids Part IThis week, we are popping out into the gardens of the Great Library of Dreams, to see how our prize triffids are coming along. And along the way we discuss the origins of these infamous plants and the themes of John Wyndhams classic SF novel. MICROGORIA 4. 5 Landau, Lugosi and Wood In another unplanned impromptu episode, Mr Jim Moon pays tribute the late Martin Landau, discussing Space 1. Oscar winning performance as Bela Lugosi in Tim Burtons Ed Wood 1. And then we take a quick look at Ed Woods Bride of the Monster to round things off. HYPNOGORIA 6. 5 Knight of the Living Dead. In a special episode, Mr Jim Moon pays tribute to the late great George A Romero, taking a personal trip through the legendary directors many classic movies, chatting about movies such as Martin, Creepshow and The Crazies as well as his famous Dead saga. HYPNOGORIA 6. 4 Zombi Zombi Part 1. Dead Air. In this episode we discover how the dead walked across the airwaves and uncover a legion of zombies in the world of old time radio In this episode we discover a legion of zombies in the world of old time radioWe discover how the dead walked across the airwaves in shows like Unsolved Mysteries, Creeps By Night and Lights Out HYPNOGORIA 6. Zombi Zombi Part 1. Zombies in the Pulps. In this episode we chart how the zombie genre was developed extensively in weird fiction, in tales from classic genre writers such as August Derleth, Clark Ashton Smith and E Hoffman Price, and in the pages of the more lurid shudder pulps. HYPNOGORIA 6. 2 Zombi Zombi Part 1. Zombies in the 3. Continuing our history of the walking dead, in this episode Mr Jim Moon traces the development of zombie cinema in the 1. Revolt of the Zombies and Ouanga. FROM THE GREAT LIBRARY OF DREAMS 3. The Richpins In this episode, we turn once again to the Stoneground Ghost Tales by EG Swain. In this little story, we learn of how Mr Batchells rural parish is being haunted by a strange figure MICROGORIA 4. The Clifton House Mystery. In this episode Mr Jim Moon continues to explore the eerie and macabre works for younger folks produced by Daniel Farson with a look at a ghostly television serial he co wrote. Created for ITV, The Clifton House Mystery was one of several childrens drama serials produced by Bristols HTV in the 7. SF, fantasy or horror themes. In this serial, an ordinary family move into an old house that proves to have a somewhat troubled history. HYPNOGORIA 6. 1 Mysteries of the Mummy Part X At long last, Mr Jim returns to explore once more the mysteries of the Mummy In this episode, we discover what the Mummy was doing in the years between the end of the Universal series and the dawn of the Hammer cycle. We track down appearances in popular culture, talk about the mummies found lurking in the infamous 5. The Pharaohs Curse 1. Curse of the Faceless Man 1. HYPNOGORIA 6. 0 The Natural History of the Batman Special Holy Bat Commentary. To mark the passing of the late great Adam West, Mr Jim Moon pays tribute with a special chapter of Bat history a complete commentary for Batman the Movie 1. HYPNOGORIA 5. 9 Are Mummies ZombiesIn this episode, Mr Jim Moon tackles one of the most troubling questions of our times, a question that has perplexed the minds of man for ohh. Divx Avi Ipod Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie here. Yes, in this episode we attempt to settle once and for all the age old question of are mummies zombies HYPNOGORIA 5. Live Let Die In a special episode, Mr Jim Moon pays tribute to the late great Sir Roger Moore with a commentary track for his debut outing as James Bond 0. Live And Let Die 1. HYPNOGORIA 5. 7 Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm Part IIIn the second part of this special investigation, Mr Jim Moon explores the various macabre and strange theories advanced for the Bella in the Wych Elm case.