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In 1. 97. 7, it won the 1st Kodansha Manga Award for shnen. About. Deb Aoki lists Black Jack as the best re issue of previously released material of 2. Osamu Dezakis anime film adaptation, Black Jack The Movie, won Best Animation Film at the 1. Mainichi Film Awards. Most of the stories involve Black Jack doing some good deed, for which he rarely gets recognitionoften curing the poor and destitute for free, or teaching the arrogant a lesson in humility. They sometimes end with a good, humane person enduring hardship, often unavoidable death, to save others. Film Noir Movies Hotarubi No Mori E ' title='Film Noir Movies Hotarubi No Mori E ' />Some rules and guidelines new Whirlpool members, pay close attention All the usual Whirlpool Rules must be adhered to. This includes no foul language and no. Black Jack Japanese, Hepburn Burakku Jakku is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka in the 1970s, dealing with the. Final Fantasy VII Advent Children 2005 AKA Fainaru fantaj sebun adobento chirudoren with Sinhala Subtitles. CharacterseditMain characterseditBlack Jack aka Kur Hazama. First Appearance Volume 1 Chapter 1 Is there a DoctorPinoko First Appearance Volume 1 Chapter 3 Teratogenous CystomaPinoko is Black Jacks loyal assistantsurrogate daughter, who was actually a Teratogenous Cystoma a growth more commonly known as a teratoma. As seen in Volume 1 Chapter 3 Teratogenous Cystoma, she was a rare type of parasitic twin, living in one of Black Jacks patients bodies for eighteen years until Black Jack extracted her and gave her a real body. He constructed her from the mass of organs included in the growth and provided her a plastic exoskeleton that gives her the appearance of a human child around 7 or 8 years. However, this exoskeleton limits some of her abilities, most notably halting her physical growth and not being able to swim for a long duration nor float Volume 1. Chapter 1 Water and the Badness. Her exoskeleton is only made for walking and running, and if she tries to swim, she will sink to the bottom. She speaks with a strong lisp which may be due to her exoskeletal skull. Only her limbs and internal organs are real her face and body are artificial. After being rejected by her twin sister, she started to live with Black Jack as a sort of daughter to him. She always helps the doctor by doing household chores and by even being his assistant in some of his operations. She often acts as comic relief in Black Jack, claiming to be a girl of eighteen years of age and married to Black Jack, despite her childlike appearance and personality. Her main value is companionship and source of affection for the ordinarily cold natured doctor. When she started living with Black Jack, she couldnt cook, clean, or take care of the house she couldnt even walk, let alone move. Eventually, she learned them and could take care of the house when he is out. But sometimes she is able to mix ingredients around in her cooking, like using salt instead of sugar. Black Jack thinks of her as his daughter while she thinks of herself as his wife. Black Jack modeled her face after a cute girl he had seen in a medical journal who suffers from a lung ailment of unknown origin from Volume 7 Chapter 4 The Two Pinokos. Pinokos life was put in danger a few times she was kidnapped Volume 2 Chapter 8 Kidnapping, Volume 1. Chapter 2 The Third Call, Volume 1. Chapter 1 Treasure Island, swallowed a potassium cyanide pill Volume 4 Chapter 1. Gas, shot from a bullet Volume 7 Chapter 1. Black and White, crashed a car Volume 8 Chapter 8 A Visit from a Killer, and caught an aggressive form of leukemia Volume 9 Chapter 2 Pinoko Lives. Pinoko says she is 1. Black Jack says she is 0 years old when he built her. Because of that, she sometimes acts like an adult while other times as a 7 year old. She cries when she is injured or throws things when she is mad. She is sometimes seen drawing pictures, playing games, or reading childrens stories. Throughout the whole manga series, she is never seen going to kindergarten, although she nearly did take the high school entrance exam. Black Jack never tries to give Pinoko an 1. She almost received one when she nearly died in Volume 9 Chapter 2 Pinoko Lives. If she was an adult, she may have looked like the Pinoko in Black Jacks dream in Volume 1. Chapter 1. 4 The SL Called Life. She sometimes talks in third person, using Pinoko instead of I, me, or my. Some of the stories take place when she is 1. Pinoko got drunk from alcohol a few times. She was temporarily adopted by a couple in Volume 1. Chapter 1 Pinoko is Adopted. Before Black Jack extracted her from her twin, she telepathically talked to him. That is why, in Volume 1. Chapter 4 Teratoid Cystoma, Part 2, she was able to talk to a teratoid cystoma in a patient in her sleep. Pinokos main form of comic relief is yelling Acchonburikea phrase that has no real meaning but taken as a rough equivalent to Oh my goodness often spelled Omigewdness in fansubs or I dont believe it as translated when she appeared in an episode of the Astro Boy 8. Englishwhile pressing her cheeks together with her hands when something surprising happens. Also, she says Aramanchu, which has no real meaning, but can be roughly translated as okey dokey. Her name is derived from Pinocchio. Voiced by Yuko Mizutani. Supporting characterseditPinokos Twin Sister. First Appearance Volume 1 Chapter 3 Teratoid CystomaPinokos twin sisters name is never revealed in the manga. She doesnt like the fact that her teratoid cystoma is actually her twin sister. She would always look away and say that that thing isnt her sister. Her face and background is never revealed until Volume 1. Chapter 1. 0 A Visiting Memory. Her second appearance is in Volume 9 Chapter 2 Pinoko Lives where she donates some of her blood to Pinoko. Her third appearance is in Volume 1. Chapter 1. 0 A Visiting Memory where her face and background are finally revealed. Dr. Crab tells Black Jack that she is actually the daughter of an important Buddhist line. She was constrained by pedigree and form. The family is always churning in drama, and she ended up deeply depressed. Watch The Fantastic Mr. Fox. Then she tries to commit suicide by jumping from the third floor of her house. She survived and, with a huge amount of cash and amnesia, ended up at Black Jacks house. Pinoko and her had a sister bond without knowing her identity. When she saw Dr. Crab, her memories returned and she forgot about Pinoko. Pinoko didnt know who she really was, Black Jack did. Dr. Jotaro Honma ,Honma JtarFirst Appearance Volume 1 Chapter 5 Sometimes like PearlsThe reason why Black Jack pursued a career in medicine is because of Dr. Honma, his mentor and life saver, who acted as the young boys father figure. Kagemitsu Hazama, Black Jacks real father, left his wife and son to live in Macau with his new wife Renka. The reasons for Kagemitsus behavior are later explained in the Black Jack 2. As a child, Black Jack suffered from paralysis in all four limbs and spent many lonely years in a wheelchair until he regained the use of them. Dr. Honma wrote a book about this miracle, as depicted in Volume 1 Chapter 1. The Legs of an Ant. The medical community accused him of conducting a live experiment on a patient with a rare Honmas Hematoma and killed the patient. He was then forced to retire. When he died, Black Jack went through Dr. Honmas old files and found a letter addressed to him. Dr. Honma wanted Black Jack to find out the mystery of Honmas Hematoma, but until he solve the mystery, to not operate on any patients who have it. Lumps of blood in the heart will form, even after many surgeries to get rid of them, they will come back. Because of that, many patients die of weak hearts. In Volume 1. 3 Chapter 9 Honmas Hematoma, Black Jack found the cure.