My Little Pony Wikipedia. My Little Pony is an entertainment franchise developed by Hasbro, originally as a toy line for girls. The first toys were developed by Bonnie Zacherle, Charles Muenchinger, and Steve DAguanno, and were produced in 1. The ponies feature colorful bodies, manes and a unique symbol on one or both sides of their flanks. Such symbols are referred to in the two most recent incarnations as cutie marks. My Little Pony has been revamped several times with new and more modern looks to appeal to a new market. Following the original My Pretty Pony toy that was introduced in 1. My Little Pony was launched in 1. The Blatant Lies trope as used in popular culture. This page is blank Theres nothing to see Nothing at all So one of the characters has a secret, one. Directed by Ishi Rudell. With Tara Strong, Rebecca Shoichet, Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman. The students of Canterlot High come to a summer camp where there are odd. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is an animated series based on Hasbros popular My Little. My Little Pony Mio Mini Pony in passato una linea di pony colorati giocattolo indirizzati ad un target di bambini molto piccoli e prodotti dalla Hasbro. My Little Pony Equestria Girls also known as My Little Pony Equestria Girls Magical Movie Night on home media release and as Equestria Girls Tales of. The original toy line ran from 1. United States and to 1. The first incarnations popularity peaked in 1. Hasbro decided to discontinue the toy line due to increased competition. My Pretty Pony was a ten inch tall hard plastic figurine that could wiggle its ears, swish its tail, and wink one eye. Download Dvd Movie My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legend Of Everfree ' title='Download Dvd Movie My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legend Of Everfree ' />The original My Pretty Pony was followed by My Pretty Pony and Beautiful Baby, which came with an additional smaller baby pony figure. This was followed by pink, yellow, and blue versions of the original that had the now hallmark symbol on the ponies backsides. My Little Pony 1. After the relative lack of success of the My Pretty Pony toy line, Hasbro introduced six smaller and colorful versions of the toy in 1. My Little Pony. The toy line lead to many more merchandise under the My Little Pony brand, which later became known as the Generation One or G1 of My Little Pony. The pony toys were followed by winged ponies, Unicorn ponies, Flutter Ponies and Sea Ponies. Flutter Ponies were smaller and thinner than Pegasus Ponies, and had fluttering wings. Windy Wing and the Summer Wing Ponies were smaller than the Flutter Ponies and were proportioned in a similar way, with larger, butterfly like wings. The Sea Ponies resembled seahorses, and were produced as both adults and babies. There were also male ponies called Big Brother Ponies, which had slightly larger bodies and feathered hooves resembling those of Clydesdale horses. Many different sets of My Little Pony variations were produced, the first being the Rainbow Ponies in 1. Other variations included the So Soft Ponies covered in flocking, Twinkle Eyed Ponies which had rhinestones in place of eyes, Twice As Fancy Ponies with patterns covering most of the body, Brush n Grow Ponies which had a longer than usual mane and tail stored inside the body, Pony Friends animals designed in the same style as the ponies, such as a lion, giraffe, kangaroo and zebra, among others and Baby Ponies, some of which were smaller versions of previously released ponies and presented as those ponies foals. The first generation of My Little Pony toys was sold in the U. S. until 1. 99. 2, and was marketed internationally until 1. The final year of sales in the U. S. was advertised as the celebration year of My Little Pony. Mail order ponies. All packaging came with Horseshoe Points, which could be used to obtain discounts on special ponies available only through mail order. The Horseshoe Point program was offered in both the US and UK, although the items available for purchase varied by country. Mail order ponies were generally reissues like Majesty, which was previously available only with the Dream Castle Playset, or unique ponies such as the first boy pony, Lucky the stallion. Another line of exclusively mail order ponies was the Birthflower ponies, which featured a pony for every month of the year. All had white bodies with pink hair and tails their names were Carnation, Violet, Daffodil, Daisy, Lily of the Valley, Rose, Water Lily, Poppy, Morning Glory, Cosmos, Chrysantheum and Holly. Special baby ponies, such as the Pearlized Baby Ponies and Twice As Fancy babies, were also available by mail order. Some mail order ponies, such as Sweet Scoops, Goldilocks and Rapunzel are rare and sought after by collectors. International ponies. Some companies were licensed under Hasbro to produce their own line of ponies instead of shipping them from China or Hong Kong, where the vast majority of ponies were produced these companies were located in Argentina, Brazil, France, Greece, India, Italy, Macau, Mexico and Spain. Some of these ponies are very similar to their Asian counterparts. For example, the Italian Clio looks very similar to Glory, with the most obvious difference being a non glittery symbol. Some, such as the Mexican Twilight are a variation on existing colors, poses or species, while others, such as the Greek Ladybird, are completely unique to their region. Due to factors such as limited production and their condition, international ponies tend to bring a higher price than their more common counterparts. Ponies from certain countries are also easier to find, while others, such as those made in Greece and Brazil, are more difficult. There are also international ponies which were distributed from China or Hong Kong, but made exclusively for a particular region, either a variant of the local ponies or completely new types. Most ponies released in the United States were found in Western Europe as well. The majority of US domestic mail order ponies never appeared overseas, although many countries had their own mail order systems. Many of the excess ponies offered by mail order in the US were bagged, carded and sold overseas. Some of the ponies and playsets were given different names abroad for example, the Big Brother Ponies were known as Adventure Boy Ponies in the UK. Related lines. Petite Ponies. Petite Ponies were tiny pony figures sold in sets. Some had different characteristics, such as brushable hair, pearlized or glow in the dark bodies. Under the base of each was an engraved hoof, which allowed the pony to function as a key to the Petite Playsets. Most of these smaller ponies had no official name, and many had the same symbols. They were sold from 1. Earth Ponies and Pegasus Ponies were produced. Dream Beauties. These larger figures made of hard plastic were advertised as grown up ponies and called Dream Beauties. Unlike My Little Pony toys, they looked more like real horses in proportions and musculature. The Dream Beauties came in a range of decorated and accessorized styles, including plastic beads along the base of their manes, ornamentation in the style of carousel horses, glitter or pearlescent finishes, and elaborate symbols, some extending the full length of the body. All were Earth Ponies, except for the three Highflying Beauties, which had large, multicolored wings. They were sold from 1. Bollywood Thriller Movies Trolls. My Little KittyPuppyBunny. Cat, dog and rabbit sets were sold under the Hasbro MLP logo during the early 1. Each Lil Litters set consisted of a mother, two babies and a plastic comb. The mothers had flocked bodies, and the babies were miniature plastic figures. Kitty mothers had cottony tails, puppy mothers had either silky or cottony ears and bunny mothers had cottony tails and silky forelocks. There were also Nursery Family sets, featuring the puppy and kitty characters. Takara Variants. In 1. Takara Later merged with Tomy to form a single company released a line of My Little Pony toys, which were released in two types Osharena Pony,Osharena pon and Kawaii Pony,Kawa pon. Only released in Japan, these are a more anthropomorphic take on the toyline and considered as the most rare of the G1 collection due to how they were released.