Into Africa Genetic study maps the great Bantu migration across the continent 5,000 years ago. Bantuspeaking people today account for one third of subSaharan Africans. The official website of the City of New York. Find information about important alerts, 311 services, news, programs, events, government employment, the office of the. Watch Movies Online Free in HD at Watch. B1809B00000578-3613007-image-a-23_1464363632498.jpg' alt='Free Download The Great Migration Movie ' title='Free Download The Great Migration Movie ' />The Stranger Evangelical Immigration TableThe Stranger is an excellent portrayal of the Biblical response to the immigrants living among us. It is a great reminder that the Church can share the love of Jesus in very tangible ways. George Wood, General Superintendent, Assemblies of God. It will take the wisdom of Solomon to solve the United States immigration issues. However, one thing is certain Christians have an obligation and privilege to love and care for the people from other lands who live among us. Our Lord himself was an immigrant, and His stories and practices demonstrated sensitivity to the non Jewish people who lived among the Jews. We honor Him when we reach out to the stranger among us. The Stranger, will help us understand the immigrant situation more clearly. I commend it to your viewing. Mark L. Williams, Presiding BishopGeneral Overseer, Church of God. The Great Trek Afrikaans Die Groot Trek Dutch De Grote Trek was an eastward migration of Dutchspeaking settlers who travelled by wagon from the Cape Colony into. Watch full episodes of Discovery shows, FREE with your TV subscription. Available anytime on any device. Start watching nowRepeatedly, the Bible calls for us to welcome and care for the stranger those among us with little power, protection or resources. This documentary challenges us to think and act Biblically to care for the vulnerable among us. Jay Barnes, President, Bethel University. I believe the fear of God informing our actions would cause us to reach out to many people in this country from many different origins who are not known lawbreakers, not workers of wickedness, but simply needing an opportunity. We cannot afford on the issue of immigration reform to be anything other than kind and generous. Maybe this movie will cause some to pray. And if we are praying as we should, maybe we wake up in the morning and we are as surprised as the early church was. It is not Peter standing on the front step, but it is our congressmen standing there with a law, saying, We have worked it out. Paige Patterson, President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. As a Christian and a conservative, I am weary of the misinformation regarding immigration reform calling it amnesty or other misleading characterizations. When people hear the truth about what is proposed, they are surprised by what they see to be a workable plan for a complicated issue. The bottom line, as The Stranger film so clearly demonstrates, is that immigration reform is about people and families many on the fringes of society. This is where Jesus lived and served. So should we. William E. Brown, Chancellor, Cedarville University. The Stranger puts a face and real life experience to the statistics bantered around in the immigration debate. Suddenly these numbers have names and families with the same hopes and dreams of all people. Yes, our brothers and sisters created in the image of God. The word welcome takes on new power throughout the movie. Jo Anne Lyon, General Superintendent, The Wesleyan Church. Acetate Diary Movie Dvd Quality. I have heard very different political perspectives on immigration, depending upon geography and party differences. This film challenges us to look at immigration, first of all, as people of the Old and New Testaments. It is a challenge well worth accepting as we consider what it means to respond to this issue as citizens of Gods Kingdom. Shirley A. Mullen, President, Houghton College.