Friends Are Easy to Make 6 Steps with PicturesUnlike newborn babies and your pet bunny, it really doesnt matter what you feed your monster. That being said, feel free to stuff him with what ever you have lying around. Personally, I prefer polyester fiber stuffing. Frugality is my middle name. Couple that with my penchant for anything cute and youve got a heartbroken girl mourning her inability to dole out the big bucks to. GUND is a manufacturer of plush stuffed animals. The company is based in Edison, New Jersey, and distributes throughout the United States and Canada as well as in. HTB1zC31LXXXXXc0apXXq6xXFXXXk/high-quality-soft-font-b-plush-b-font-toy-cute-font-b-ugly-b-font-font.jpg' alt='Download Uglydolls For Free ' title='Download Uglydolls For Free ' />Gund Wikipedia. GUND is a manufacturer of plush stuffed animals. The company is based in Edison, New Jersey, and distributes throughout the United States and Canada as well as in Europe, Japan, Australia, and South America. GUND is currently run by third generation family owner Bruce Raiffe whose grandfather Jacob Swedlin purchased the company from the original founder Adolph Gund in 1. The company is best known for its line of Teddy bears, and holds or has held licensing agreements with companies such as The Walt Disney Company, Sesame Street, Uglydolls, Boo, the Worlds Cutest Dog, Grumpy Cat, and Pusheen. It has won multiple awards during its 1. United States Postal Service stamp. GUND is headquartered in Edison, New Jersey and currently a division of Enesco. Historyedit1. 89. Formation through retirement of Adolf GUNDedit. Progression of GUND logos from inception through 2. GUND was founded in 1. Adolf Gund. 2 He was born in Germany and resided in Norwalk, Connecticut before settling in New York City. He started GUND as a small toy and novelty company which was incorporated under the name Gund Manufacturing Company in 1. In the early years, GUND used GEE as the company slogan in advertising on product labels. GUND produced its first products in loft factories around New York City. It moved from location to location as it expanded, starting off on Third Avenue and eventually moving to Ninth Street by 1. The moves were all prompted by the need for larger manufacturing quarters. In the early 1. GUND received numerous patents that introduced various mechanisms into plush toys. Once such patent was for what was described as a springing dog. The design called for a mechanism to be placed inside the stuffed animal which would cause it to jump, bringing it to life. Another patent was for a walking mechanism which allowed the plush to walk. One of the companys most notable patents was for a ride on duck which was a duck for children to ride on. It had wheels that operated a working duck bill which moved up and down as the wheels turned. The ride on duck was produced by GUND for approximately 1. GUND also secured many other patents for toys such as the wind up walking plush, dancing toys, and walking toys. GUND created many of the industry standards in its early years, including safety standards and the manufacturing processes for toys. It continued to market its products under the moniker GEE up until the late 1. Playthings and other toy magazines. The company was eventually sold when Adolf Gund retired in 1. New ownership and expansioneditDuring the early years of the company, Adolf Gund was the mentor to Jacob Swedlin, a Russian immigrant who came to the United States in 1. Gund taught Swedlin to become a cutter and pattern maker, teaching him the ins and outs of the company. When Gund retired in 1. Swedlin for 1,5. Swedlin brought his brothers Abe and John on board with the company, which began rapid expansion. Jacob oversaw design and production, Abe acted as the chief financial officer, and John ran sales and promotions. Some of the most notable GUND products in the 1. Easter Bunnies which continue to be one of its most popular products. It also introduced puppy purses, a stuffed animal dog that doubled as a purse. GUND also became the first licensor of cartoon characters, producing plush toy versions of Popeye, Mickey Mouse, Felix the Cat, and Tigger. Its relationship with The Walt Disney Company began in 1. GUND. 8 The deal with Disney allowed GUND to supply every major toy retailer in the United States with licensed Disney merchandise. In the 1. GUND received trade mark registrations for two versions of its logos, both of which can be seen on its products during that time. One of the logos was a lower case g with bunny ears which became synonymous with the company and its products. The popularity of the logo sparked the creation of a new plush character known as GUNDy. GUNDy became the company mascot and grew into merchandising that included the GUND Club. During World War II in the early 1. GUND did not manufacture its products according to prior demand. To support the war effort, GUND only offered its products on a quota allotment. It also produced a doll in an army uniform as its way to encourage the purchase of war bonds. After the war, GUND began rapid expansion, releasing new products, including many new Disney characters in conjunction with the opening of Disneyland in California in 1. It moved into a new manufacturing center in Brooklyn in 1. Further expansion the Raiffe familyeditBy 1. GUND had become dependent on its licensing agreement with Disney for the majority of its business. Herbert Raiffe, the son of John Swedlin, became the company president in 1. Swedlins passing. Raiffe began moving GUND away from its licensing agreements and shifted the focus to internal design. The company launched new products that included the Bag Full of Laughs, a sound mechanism placed in a fabric sack and sewn into a plush. During the 1. GUND expanded its product line by releasing toys and plush popular in other countries. This included beanies and Gonk toys. In 1. 97. 2, GUND was able to expand again thanks to Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing, two panda bears gifted to the United States from China as part of that countrys panda diplomacy efforts. The plush industry had a huge demand for panda stuffed animals, with GUND leading the way with manufacturing and distribution. Raiffe was credited by publications such as Forbes for GUND marketing efforts of the bears. The 1. GUNDs most prominent branding campaigns, known as Gotta Getta GUND. The campaign is credited as making GUND one of the most recognized toy companies in the United States. During this decade, GUND also expanded its offering of stuffed bears, releasing its collectible series of bears called the Signature Collection. Each bear was signed by the Rita Raiffe, GUNDs Director of Design and sold in limited quantities. In 1. 98. 6 it released 6. Anniversary and postage stampeditIn 1. Bruce Raiffe became President of GUND. Prior to that time he served as the companys Marketing Director and later Vice President. GUND celebrated its 1. As part of the celebration, GUND auctioned off a 1. The bear was one of a kind and purchased by Yoshihiro Sekiguchi who placed it in one of three Teddy bear museums he owned in Japan. It was the 1. 00th anniversary of the Theodore Roosevelt teddy bear that brought about GUNDs next milestone. In 2. 00. 2, the United States Postal Service used a 1. GUND to grace a 3. GUND entered into a licensing agreement with Sesame Street in 2. Purchase by Enesco and beyondeditGUND was purchased by Enesco, the giftware manufacturer best known for its line of Precious Moments figurines. GUND joined Enescos other recently purchased brands which included Boyds Bears, Our Name is Mud, philo. Sphies and Jubilee Art. Bruce Raiffe remained with the company on a consultant type basis, but returned in 2. GUND. 1. 9GUND continued to take on new licensing agreements after being purchased by Enesco. One of the most notable was that of the Uglydolls line of plush toys which it signed in 2. The same year it signed an agreement for Boo, the Worlds Cutest Dog. It also added Grumpy Cat in 2. Pusheen in 2. 01. GUND went through rebranding in late 2. It included a redesigned logo that reflects its signature plush toys. This new identity system was designed by a NYC based digital branding agency Cynda Media Lab, and it received several national and international design awards, including 2. Communication Arts Design Annual Award 2. HOW Logo Design Award 2. F Design Award, and 2. ADesign Award. It also released more than 2. It was in late 2. Enesco was purchased by private equity fund Balmoral Funds. ProductseditGUND is the manufacturer of plush stuffed animals. Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! Movie Photo here. It sells over 1. 50.