Horror Movies With Stupid Villains. We love horror movies around here, and that appreciation for the genre comes with the knowledge that occasionally, it will dish up some nonsense. The search for the perfect fright has taken us to old, dark houses damned villages the open ocean and even space. Weve encountered aliens, clowns, monsters, and enough cursed objects to fill a museum that would, itself, probably be super haunted. Some of our favorite horror films play upon unconscious human fears, like how John Carpenters The Thing is more about distrust and isolation than shapeshifting aliens, and Teeths vagina dentata monster represents not only anxieties about sex and sexual violence, but also teenagers own lack of control over their developing bodies. Despite all those metaphors, however, these movies work because their concepts are terrifying, and they locate their horror in appropriately scary places. But not all creators are so successful. Some writers and directors find sources for terror in places that are, if not ridiculous, then at least silly. They ask their audiences to be afraid of objects and characters that you would normally ignore, if not hug. Weve collected some examples here, and while were not necessarily saying that this makes their movies bad although some are they all had some serious work to do to make an impression. Here are 1. 5 Horror Movies That Tried To Make You Afraid Of Stupid Things. The Conjuring Raggedy Ann. This ones low on the list because we arent going to pretend that the doll from the prologue of director James Wans The Conjuring and the Annabelle spin off films isnt ghastly to behold. Its an effective design, and we get uncomfortable just looking at it. But Annabelle gets way less terrifying when youve seen the actual toy that demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren kept locked in a cabinet in their house. Its not a creepy, decrepit figure with a chipped, porcelain face like you see onscreen its just a regular Raggedy Ann. Wan is a smart and talented filmmaker, but even he must know that the scariest thing about Raggedy Ann is that the anti vaccination movement adopted her as a mascot. We appreciate the redesign, which were sure is about 9. Monkey Shines adorable capuchin monkeys. Capuchin monkeys like Ella, the villain of director George Romeros Monkey Shines, arent, themselves, stupid. Theyre incredibly clever animals, and thats why humans have been able to train them as service animals, performers, and spies, like the tiny Nazi agent in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Its a bit of a leap from fast learner to vicious killer like we see in this movie, however, which is where Ella loses us. She limits herself to arson and light stabbings with hypodermic needles, which we appreciate because those are probable avenues for a tiny, insane primate. But look at that little face. Dr-Giggles.jpg' alt='Cult Horror Movies Free Birds ' title='Cult Horror Movies Free Birds ' />It also doesnt help that she loves both hugs and snugs, which is not only adorable but also proves to be her downfall. Her quadriplegic owner, Allan, has very few avenues for defense once he discovers that his furry helper has been putting the kill on people. She does have a weakness, however she loves him. Allan lures Ella in with the promise of a cuddle and then bites the evil monkey, whipping her back and forth in his teeth until she dies. Night of the Lepus rabbits. Rabbits are cute, and giant, killer rabbits are still cute. The marketing department behind 1. Night of the Lepus probably knew that, which is why the monsters receive neither a picture nor a mention on the posters. All we get are some spooky eyes and mentions of a scuffling, shambling horde created when Science made its great mistake. Hd Quality My Beautiful Girl, Mari Watch. Youd have to recognize the Latin word in the title to catch that this film is about deadly bunnies, and even that was a trick to hide the monsters true identities. The original title was Rabbits, but MGM changed it to hide the fact that it was making one of the most ridiculous movies imaginable. We love Night of the Lepus as a weird and bizarre monster movie, but we didnt have any nightmares over it. Cult Horror Movies Free Birds ' title='Cult Horror Movies Free Birds ' />Death Bed The Bed that Eats beds. Director George Barrys 1. Death Bed The Bed That Eats is frankly one of the weirdest movies weve ever seen. Its brilliant, in a way. It tells the story of a cursed bed that awakens periodically to consume anyone who lies in it. And that seems like the sort of thing that would be easy to avoid i. Some of the most effective horror films play on the times at which were most vulnerable. Thats how we get the shower scene in Psycho and the monster hiding in the toilet in Ghoulies. Death Bed tries a similar trick, attacking its victims when theyre all asleep and unassuming, but it wont make you look twice at your own sleepy place because its so bizarre, wacky, and amazing. Hausu a piano. Apparently, 1. Hausu, a Japanese film that contains some truly strange on screen deaths. Typically, when we see a piano in a room, the scariest thought we have is how long it will be before someone sits down at the thing and starts playing Heart and Soul or, even more mortifying, Chopsticks. But Hausu contains an amazingly weird scene in which a piano devours a girl alive. And thats unfair because she was playing pretty well before it went horribly wrong. And the baby grand isnt alone in having a body count here one character suffers a death via mattresses, and another dies in a refrigerator. Unlike Death Bed, Hausus evil exists in pretty much any room you might enter. Harbinger Down water bears. Weve already mentioned how Harbinger Downs mutated tardigrades were more effective than the movie itself, but they had a lot to overcome to become truly terrifying. Tardigrades, also known as water bears and moss piglets, are some of the hardiest species on the planet. They can survive extreme heat and cold, withstand incredible pressure, and are highly resistant to radiation. They also look like real world versions of characters from a film by animation director Hayao Miyazaki My Neighbor Totoro. We can see what Harbinger Down was going for it takes a species that is already basically impossible to kill and then makes it want to murder everyone. But we couldnt ignore that behind all those gruesome, clever practical effects were creatures that look ready to befriend an orphan and join them on an adventure full of magic, discovery, and hijinks. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Freddys Revenge tiny birds. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Freddys Revenge is a gloriously bad movie that recasts dream killer Freddy Krueger as an unwitting metaphor for the main characters anxiety about his own homosexuality. Alabamas Ghost 1972 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Directed by Fredric Hobbs, USA Bizarro 70s horror that defies description, but I will try. A Short Horror Film About the Perils of Choosing the Wrong Hashtag for Your Selfie. And we appreciate that, but it doesnt explain the movies most baffling horror scene. The heros family notices that their home has become unbearably and inexplicably warm, and while Dad fiddles with the thermostat, protagonist Jesse investigates a strange ruckus coming from the covered cage in which their pet birds reside. He pulls the sheet off to discover that one of the two parakeets has murdered the other, and then it escapes and starts attacking the family. This goes on for about 3. The scene adds nothing to anything, and even if it did inspire bird owners to take a cautious look at their feathered friends, at least they knew that any mayhem the thing might cause would be over pretty quickly. A shy student trying to reach his family in Ohio, a guntoting tough guy trying to find the last Twinkie, and a pair of sisters trying to get to an amusement park. Watch HD Movies Online For Free and Download the latest movies without Registration at Vumoo. Watch Free Movies Online in Full HD. Stream Online or Download New Films and the latest cinema releases without limitations. Ringu VHS tapes. Ringu is no joke. Its probably the most legitimately terrifying film on our list, and thats saying something considering you could obliterate the cursed video at the center of its plot with a strong magnet or a rerun of Cheers. The tape and its mysterious contents arent the real horror, of course. That comes a week after you watch it, when the ghost of an evil girl emerges from your TV and kills you with her mind powers. But it is to Ringus credit that it drew nightmares out of an object that would melt like a candy bar if you left it in your car too long.