Magic Ink Information Software and the Graphical Interface by Bret Victor. Torrentz will always love you. Farewell. 20032016 Torrentz. Phoenix Force comics Wikipedia. The Phoenix Force is a fictional entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The entity has bonded with other characters, and often used the alias Phoenix while bonded. The Phoenix Force is famous for its central role in The Dark Phoenix Saga storyline, and is frequently linked to Jean Grey. In 2. 00. 9, Jean Grey as the Dark Phoenix was ranked as IGNs 9th Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time. Wizard list of Top 1. Dark Phoenix as 3. Publication historyeditThis section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. March 2. The Phoenix first appeared in Uncanny X Men 1. October 1. 97. 6 in the guise of Jean Grey, and was created by Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum. Fictional character biographyeditThe Phoenix Force is an immortal and mutable manifestation of the prime universal force of life and passion. Born of the void between states of being, the Phoenix Force is a child of the universe. It is the nexus of all psionic energy which does, has, and ever will exist in all realities of the multiverse, the Guardian of Creation, and of the dangerously powerful MKraan Crystal. The Phoenix is among the most feared beings in all of existence having the power to cut and re grow any part of the universe, as well as destroy it entirely, which is part of the Phoenixs purpose The Judgment of the Phoenix, to burn away the obsolete. The Phoenix Force is described as being the embodiment of the very passion of Creation the spark that gave life to the Universe, the flame that will ultimately consume it. During its time as a sentient and nameless entity, it traveled the cosmos just like other cosmic beings. At first, the Phoenix Force was a formless mass of energy, but thousands of years ago, it came to Earth, and met a magician named Feron who worshipped the legendary Phoenix, whose daydream like visions prompted the Phoenix to adopt the firebird form it has today. He asked the Phoenix to help him by lending its energy to project a stone pillar which resembled a lighthouse across the multiverse. The pillar became the lighthouse base for the British super team Excalibur a team its future host Rachel Summers herself would join. Afterwards, Feron was attacked by Necrom in an attempt to steal the power of the Phoenix. Feron, strengthened by the Phoenix Force, was able to fight back but Necrom was able to steal a fraction of the Phoenix Forces essence forcing it to flee back to space in agonized confusion. The Phoenix Force returned to Earth when it felt the mind of a human transcend the physical realm, a mind that resonated with the Phoenix Forces energy. A young Jean Grey had telepathically linked her mind to her dying friend, Annie Richardson, to keep Annies soul from moving to the afterlife. In doing so, Jeans mind was being dragged along to the other side with Annie. Phoenix lent its energy to break the connection, and kept close watch on young Jean, as it felt a kinship with the young mutant. PCTV/88/1000112788/PCTV-1000112788-hd.jpg' alt='Watch Magik The Movie Full Version' title='Watch Magik The Movie Full Version' />Years later when Jean was dying on a space shuttle, her mind called out for help and the Phoenix Force answered and saved her, transforming Jean into the Phoenix. The Phoenix remained with the X Men for only a short time. She prevented the complete destruction of the universe by repairing the damaged energy matrix at the core of the MKraan Crystal. During a skirmish with the X Mens first and most deadly foe, Magneto, Phoenix and Beast were separated from the other X Men, with each group believing the other to have perished. Phoenix went on a European vacation to gather herself in this new, lonely world. In Greece, Phoenix met a young and handsome man named Nikos, who is later revealed to be Mastermind, a mutant with the powers of illusion. He began to plant the seeds of dissent within her fragile psyche by comparing her to a god and insisting she can do whatever she wants. She would later encounter him again in Scotland, under the guise of Jason Wyngarde, a handsome 1. Century loyalist, believing him to be both the work of the reality warping mutant Proteus and the lover of one of her ancestors. The Rise of Dark PhoenixeditAfter an encounter with the Hellfire Club and manipulation by Mastermind and the White Queen, the Phoenix was transformed into their Black Queen. She broke free of Masterminds control, but had been transformed into Dark Phoenix. She battled the X Men and fled to the stars, devoured the energies of the DBari star system to satisfy her hunger as Dark Phoenix, annihilating the five billion inhabitants of its fourth planet, and destroyed a nearby Shiar observatory vessel which opened fire on her before returning to Earth. There, she was defeated in psionic combat by Professor X, and regained control. The group was then teleported to space by the Shiar and given a trial by combat. Just as victory seemed certain for the Imperial Guard, she once again became Dark Phoenix, and ultimately committed apparent suicide on Earths moon before the eyes of a horrified Cyclops. As originally written, the Jean Grey incarnation of the Phoenix was Jean herself, having attained her ultimate potential as a psi, becoming a being of pure energy and reforming herself as Phoenix,1. Mastermind and Emma Frost unable to adapt to her enormous power, Jean was driven mad. In order to return Jean to the fold several years later, this storyline was retconned to reveal the existence of the cosmic Phoenix Force entity, which had created a duplicate body of Jean, believed itself to be Jean and acted in her place while the real Jean lay in a healing cocoon at the bottom of Jamaica Bay, where the Avengers and Fantastic Four would later discover her. This allowed Jean to be revived as a member of X Factor. The extent to which the duplicate and Jean are separate entities depends on who is writing the characters at the time, some instances portraying them as inherently separate, while others demonstrate a shared consciousness. Part of the Phoenix Force encountered a manifestation of Death after committing suicide and then returned itself to Jean in the cocoon. Horrified by what it had done, Jean rejected it and it went on to join with Jeans clone, Madelyne Pryor. This portion of the Phoenix remained with Madelyne until she committed suicide while fighting Jean Grey and then rejoined Jeans consciousness. Rachel SummerseditAnother possessor of the Phoenix Force is Rachel Summers, Scott Summers and Jean Greys daughter from the Days of Future Past alternate future. The Phoenix Force bonded with Rachel and Rachel became the next avatar of the Phoenix Force. Rachel is one of the longest reigning avatars of the Phoenix. Rachel never became Dark Phoenix. The Phoenix Force is a fictional entity appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The entity has bonded with other characters, and often used the. The Brought Down to Normal trope as used in popular culture. A character who has some kind of highly developed or superhuman ability loses it for an episode. Paul Gleeson, Actor The Thin Red Line. Paul Gleeson is known for his work on The Thin Red Line 1998, Somersault 2004 and The Little Death 2014. Rachel has been referred to as The One True Phoenix. During an encounter with Galactus, Rachel Summersat the time completely overtaken by the Phoenix Forcebattled Galactus in an effort to save a planet he was preparing to devour. Watch Veggietales: Abe And The Amazing Promise Online For Free. The Phoenix Force disrupted Galactus feeding process and thus was easily able to defeat the depleted world devourer in battle. Galactus accused the Phoenix Force of hypocrisy and revealed to it that its existence in a corporeal state was sustained by robbing energy used to birth future generations. Realizing this to be true, the Phoenix vowed to return to its prior existence of touching all that is while allowing an echo of its power to remain with Rachels now dominant consciousness. Into the FutureeditReturning to Earth with all her memories, Rachel finally managed to get back to the future she had come from. While she could not change her past, she and her teammates were able to change the directives of all the Sentinels of the era to preserve all life, thereby ending the genocide that had prevailed for years.