Whole Karas: The Revelation Movie Online ' title='Whole Karas: The Revelation Movie Online ' />Was Jesus a Copy of Horus, Mithras, Krishna, Dionysus and Other Pagan Gods This was not the basis for Jesus Christ. Are the Bible accounts of Jesus plagiarizing the story of Horus, Krishna, Mithras, Dionysis and other pagan Gods A Critical ExaminationWas Jesus a Copy of Horus, Mithras, Krishna, Dionysis and Other Pagan GodsThis question is often asked especially in light of the viral film Zeitgeist a mega popular documentary about the New World Order and Illuminati. The movie spent over 3. Bible and the Christian faith and specifically the idea that the story of Jesus Christ in the Gospels is nothing more than a copy of the story of the Egyptian God Horus, Mithras and other pagan gods. Additionally Dan Brown author of the Da. This article looks at proof that Jesus was not a copy of pagan gods. Historical evidence for the Gospel account of Jesus Christ. George Orson Welles w l z May 6, 1915 October 10, 1985 was an American actor, director, writer, and producer who worked in theatre, radio, and film. Web oficial de la Universidad de A Corua. Enlaces a centros, departamentos, servicios, planes de estudios. Cast Angel Dark, Lara Stevens, Liliana Ferri, Maria Bellucci, Nikki Rider, Simone Peach, Tera Bond. Maurizio works in real estate in Italy his boss, who is. The 3638323 to 1605548 a 1450464 of 14434154 in 1270284 on 508384 that 503295 is 492114 said 487849 with 423779 at 408185. Script Graham Greene Director Carol Reed Producers Alexander Korda, Carol Reed, David O. Selznick Music Anton Karas PhotographyRobert Krasker Academy Award. Read The 100 best British films. The British are coming, trumpeted Chariots Of Fire screenwriter Colin. Vinci Code, one of the most blasphemous, Anti Christian books ever written, stated nothing in Christianity is original as he promotes the idea these mythological figures served as the basis for the Gospel accounts of Jesus Christ Browns latest book, The Lost Symbol, takes this idea to the extreme an article on this book and the upcoming movie will be posted soon. This article will show that not only are these claims incorrect and lack any substantive evidence, but that they are part of a greater spiritual agenda that Dan Brown, the Zeitgeist film and others have in common. Was Jesus a Copy of Horus The Egyptian God Horus. The Zeitgeist film makes a number of wild statements about Horus to attempt to prove that Jesus is a copy. But lets look at the claims against actual Egyptian mythology Horus was born on December 2. According to Egyptian mythological history, Horuss birthday is celebrated in the season of Khoiak, which runs in the months of October and November, not December 2. Furthermore, the date of December 2. Bible as the date of Jesus birth and thus has no relevance to the account of Jesus life. So right away, the claims of plagiarism look completely baseless. Movies On Dvd The LEGO Ninjago Movie there. Horus was born of a virgin There are two accounts of Horus birth. The most famous by far, was that Horus was born from his mother Isis, who was not a virgin, but rather a widow of the slain Osiris. Through sorcery, Isis, assembled the body of Osiris and was impregnated with his phallus. Clearly this was a sexual union and not a virgin birth. The Hymn to Osiris which records this account states Isis made to rise up the helpless members phallus of him whose heart was at rest, she drew from him his essence DNA material, and she made therefrom an heir Horus. Source and Source. Three Wise Men Came to Adore the New Born Savior No source is provided by the documentary for this claim. Why would everyone give up technology Apollos suggestion that an entire civilization of nearly fortythousand people give up all technology is a pretty radical. Additionally, the Bible does not say three wise men came to see Jesus. It never tells us the number of wise men. And they did not come at Jesus birth in a manger. They came to his family home when he was a toddler. Horus was a child prodigy teacher at 1. The movie offers no pre New Testament sources that state this. Horus had 1. Disciples Historian Glen Miller writes But again, my research in the academic literature does not surface this fact. I can find references to FOUR disciplesvariously called the semi divine HERU SHEMSU Followers of Horus GOE 1. I can find references to SIXTEEN human followers. And I can find reference to an UNNUMBERED group of followers called mesniumesnitu blacksmiths who accompanied Horus in some of his battles although these might be identified with the HERU SHEMSU in GOE 1. But I cannot find TWELVE anywhereAdditionally, some of have said the 1. Horus. Even if this were the case, they are just stars and not actual people who followed Horus, preached about him or recorded his life. This is another empty and false claim. Horus was crucified. Dead for three days. And Resurrected There is no historical record in any credible Egyptian mythology of Horus being crucified. Additionally, crucifixion was a method of execution invented by the Roman Empire thousands of years after the time of the Horus myth. Whereas the accounts of Jesus crucifixion exist in thousands of manuscripts from the century after his death. Additionally, as we detailed in our article Did Jesus Really Exist Proving Jesus without The Bible there are many secular historical sources that record His crucifixion as described in the Bible. If you are wondering how Zeitgeist could make such wild claims, that have no real historical evidence, they benefit from the Skeptics Fallacy in short, when it comes to attacking the credibility of the Bible it is assumed that the skeptic is completely credible. So the Zeitgeist creators know most people will not research their attacks and just take it as factual just as Dan Brown did with the numerous inaccuracies of the Da. Vinci Code. If one takes the time, they will also notice that Zeitgeist gets almost all of its information from one source, a book called The Christ Conspiracy by a woman named Acharya S. Was Jesus a Copy of Mithras Ancient art depicting Mithras being born out of a rock. Zeitgeist continues as do the skeptics with the idea that Christianity itself is a copy of the cult of Mithras, which was popularized in Rome in the 1st to 4th Century AD note that it sprung up in Rome after the death of Christ and centuries after the Old Testament prophecies of the Coming Messiah. The movie states Mithras was born of a virgin There are almost no early writings about the cult of Mithras and most of what is known is based on artwork as opposed to Jesus Christ, of whom thousands of ancient manuscripts exist that describe His life, death and resurrection in detail. But according to historians, Mithras was born from a rock, not from a virgin or from a person at all. Mithras was born on December 2. Once again, the date of December 2. Bible and thus holds no significance to the story of Jesus Christ. Additionally, in Mithraism there is no date of Mithras birth. Mithras with shepherds. Mithras was attended to by Shepherds This claim is based on the relief above. The earliest existing account of Mithras birth is found in a relief depicting him emerging from a rock with the assistance of men who certainly appear to be shepherds which is interesting considering his birth was supposed to have preceded the creation of humans. Such a blatant inconsistency should show a serious flaw in Mithraism research, but the Zeitgeist team again overlooks this. Furthermore, this relief dates to 4th century A. D., well after the Gospels had been written and distributed over most of the known world. Mithras and his 1. Mithra had 1. 2 disciples. This is based on the carving above which shows Mithras surrounded by 1. Zodiac. There is no reason to conclude that signs of the Zodiac are disciples. Remember, there is no written record of Mithras existence from the 1st to 4th centuries when the cult thrived. The earliest writings are from outsiders recording their observations. So most of the wild assertions of Zeitgeist are just being based on this piece of art. Franz Cumont, considered the first great researcher of Mithras claimed that the disciples in the relief were actually people dressed up as Zodiac signs, showing how ludicrous the effort to link Mithras to Jesus can get. Mithras was crucified. Dead for three days. And then resurrected. This charge in particular reveals the insincerity of the claims of plagiarism against Christianity. In Mithraism, Mithras never dies. He completed his earthly mission and returned to the skies in a chariot ironically similar to the story of the Prophet Elijah in the Bibles Book of 1 Kings, written 8. In Mithraism there is no historical mention of crucifixion, burial or resurrection in any artwork or text. In a critique of this theory, researcher Ronald Nash writes Allegations of an early Christian dependence on Mithraism have been rejected on many grounds. Forgotten Hits Can You Believe It Even MORE Of Your FIRST 4. Memories Fast Forward about forty years or maybe a few more. Im sitting in Winnipeg with Freddy Cannon and hes telling me right at our table about how he almost went out for dinner with Gene Vincent and Eddie Cochran they were all touring Europe together the night of the accident that took Eddie and basically crippled Gene. Remarkable. Freddy Cannon. Ive ever met. Burton Cummings. I was born in Chicago. My rock n roll world opened when I was 1. My family was not an Ed Sullivan family, we watched Steve Allen, and Im a better person for it. Allen was sidesplitting, spontaneously, intelligently funny and from Chicago. But this night, January 7th, 1. Sullivan on for some reason, and there was Elvis Presley. It was the turning point of my life. When people say he is a deity, you dont hear any laughter from me. The sudden appearance of this creature was like what other people get from LSD it opened another universe. My habits changed immediately. I had been buying stamps, a dollar a weeks worth, from a hobby shop which, ironically, had begun carrying records 7. The second Friday in January, I pointed back to records instead of staring down at stamps. Ill take that, I said, meaning Elvis Too Much, which hed sung on Sullivan. I detected disapproval from the philatelist I was joining the enemy. When he first started stocking records, my dad asked him what kind of people bought them and he rolled his eyes. Of course, I liked that too it was my first step on becoming a juvenile delinquent. I say first step, but I never got any further, though I carried a knife. Too Much was a disappointment I liked it better when he sang it on TV. But I persevered. The next record that caught my attention was one I heard riding north on Lake Shore Drive in my parents car. I was hooked by the guitar, then mesmerized by the drum and cowbell. It was James Burtons lead on Dale Hawkins Suzie Q. My first album was a disappointment Ricky on Imperial. It was softened rockabilly, not sharp edged like Dale Hawkins. The version of Be Bop Baby, which I already had on a single, was even lame they had used an alternative, weak takeMy parents, who had paid 4 for it, were upset by my reaction, saying I should be careful what I asked for as if I could know what the hell was on an album But we were lower middle class dad worked at a printing place, mom in an office, so there were few dollars to throw around. By June 1. I was ready to go to a rock n roll show. My mom took me. It was the Howard Miller extravaganza at the Chicago Opera House. For my first live music, I saw Chuck Berry, Little Brenda Lee, Tab Hunter, Charlie Grace, the Everly Brothers and several more, including the ultra square Dan Belloc Orchestra, and the always trying Nick Noble, a balladeer he was one of the preceding generation. Chuck duckwalked, the girls screamed for Tab mistakenly, as time would tell, the Everlys did two songs, and I had a ball. Art Fein. My first purchased 4. Coffeyville, Kansas, over Christmas vacation of 1. I had two bucks to my name and walked downtown to The Music Box to buy two records for my new Christmas gift record player. After listening to several Top 4. I bought Fools Rush In by Brook Benton and Rubber Ball by Bobby Vee. That began my life long record collection that has grown to over 3. Theres something magic about listening to records, that you just dont get with cassettes, dvds or I tunes. Its a nostalgia I cant explain. Thanx Larry TeshI have to tell you that your website brought tears to my eyes last week. I came across your First 4. Mom. who used to tell us whenever Happy Together by The Turtles came on the radio that this was the very first record she ever bought. She would make all of us kids listen to it and sing along. Moms been gone for a while now. I havent revisited that memory in a long, long time. I couldnt have been more than 6 or 7 at the time. And then when I saw that you were going to see The Turtles in concert over the weekend it made me smile and wish that my mom could have seen it, too. Thank you for making me remember something that otherwise may have stayed long forgotten. Its what we would call a good cry. MaureenMy first memory of a 4. Crystals Then He Kissed Me. I was walking through one of the department stores in Victoria as a young girl and they were playing this live TV show American Bandstand and the Crystals were performing. I fell in love with the song and went and bought the 4. Had to borrow the money from my Mom to do it to. I still have a number of old 4. Shame but at least the guy really wanted them. Lennie Mc. Donald. Id received several as gifts, but the first I bought was Shapes of Things by the Yardbirds, featuring Jeff Beck. Each Christmas, in mid 6. I received the newest Beatles LP. BEATLES 6. RUBBER SOUL. After that my biggest expansion into record collecting occurred in the Fall of 6. I joined the Columbia Record Club the come on was GREAT 1. LPS for a penny, then purchase 1. I was beside myself. CRC selection. Thank you for the memoriesFrank Carmack. I just discovered your site. My first two 4. 5s were A SUMMER PLACE and EBB TIDE. Barbara MandelThe first 4. I bought was an instrumental called Scratchy by Travis Wammack. I first heard it on a jukebox in a little hamburger place in Charlotte around 1. I wore that record out The first LP I bought was Telstar by the Ventures in 1. I earned the money to buy that album by painting the outside of our house. Since those days, I now have more than 1. I dont know how many collectable 8 tracks many sealed, cassettes, and even CDs. I have many 7. Edison 14 thick discs. Just for kicks and giggles, I just had to have an Edison cylinder with cardboard tube and a 1. V disc. I think I have all formats and I have came to the conclusion that to me, the BEST sound comes from a 4. Hooked on vinyl Doug Venters North Carolina. Being an Oldie myself 6. I have amassed an original 4. Unfortunately, I cant remember the 1st one I bought as a kid. I do remember the first LP albums that I bought, though. The Everly Brothers Best, and Have Twangy Guitar, Will Travel, by Duane Eddy. Proud to say I still have them both. Our generation is fading and it is up to us to preserve this truly unique period of American musical history. Long may it live Larry, aka Oldies Nut. Growing up during the late 5. I did, all of my memories are encapsulated within the music of the time. The best music ever Our family never sat down to dinner without the console stereo playing music in the background. All kinds of music. There was never a holiday or birthday on which we did not give or were given music in some glorious form. I can remember receiving Meet The Beatles and the joy that I felt holding that album in my hands. My first 4. 5 was Eydie Gorme singing Blame It On The Bossa Nova. I had gotten a particularly good report card and the gift of the 4. I will never forget that dayAugust MoonMy first 4. Stand by Sly The Family Stone. I bought it at K Mart with my mother and six of my brothers and sisters when we went school clothes shopping. I still remember that it cost 7. I bought it to play on my new Close n Play remember those that I had gotten for my 7th birthday. My little brother and sister and I would stand every time they sang Stand. LOL That was my great choreography. We were so dorky. Danny Seib. Syracuse, NYI am reminded of the first four records I ever bought as a kid. Really cant remember which was first, second, third, or fourth, but Joe Bennett and the Sparkletones BLACK SLACKS was one of them. I drove my parents crazy playing that record over and over on my record player in my bedroom.