Watch A Man Recover His Subaru Forester After It Floats Down A River. Heres a Subaru Forester that looks like it lost one ox, 4. Moore River in Western Australia. The river was nearly 4 feet deep and carried the early Forester away, but this off roader managed to save it anyway. Definitely dont try this at home. Here fucking goes nothin, says the driver before plunging the modified Forester into the water. Not surprisingly for a car crammed full of people, something possibly lessthanlegal may have been going on, since once the wreck happens eight passengers bolt away. Not even the Foresters assortment of off roading goodieslisted on the Subaru Off Road You. Tube channel as custom gearbox with front helical LSD, 4. DCCD and Kaaz rear diffcould help him when the water got too deep and his rear tires floated off the sandy river bottom. Shockingly, the driver writes that his front tires still had some gripsort ofbut his cars buoyant rear carried him downstream anyway I decided to try push the limits of river crossings further than any Subaru has ever done before. This was a fast flowing sandy bottom river of depth up to 1. I had fully walked the area before attempting the crossing was sure the depth was beyond the capabilities of a Subaru and it was very unlikely to be crossed successfully however I was curious what would happen if only the front wheels were able to touch the bottom. Would the vehicle be able to claw its way along slowly and make it to the other side The answer was sort of. It did claw its way across the river however the floating back end got taken by the current and the front wheels did not have sufficient traction to pull the whole vehicle into the current. Thankfully, the Forester caught along the side of the river downstream, allowing it to be winched out using a nearby tree. The exterior video is almost more insane, since you see just how much the Forester floated downstream before it could get winched out of the water. Hilariously, the owner says the Forester was fine to drive after it was out of the deep stuff Winch at ready was able to pull me out without dramas. Although after watching the footage it appears I was actually making slight progress at the end and if I had persisted I may have actually driven out. He also advises everyone that he had carefully planned this crossing attempt beforehand, and that no one should try this on their own This was a carefully thought out exercise in a safe as possible a location with minimal risk of vehicle rollover or entrapment. Needless to say DO NOT TRY THIS. Its cake versus ice cream for Splatoon 2s first Splatfest and were streaming all the fun live on our Twitch channel. Come and join the mayhem Watch Beavis and ButtHead Do America 1996 full movie. Storyline Our intrepid adolescent heroes wake up to find their beloved television stolen, and emb. Batman Forever is a 1995 American superhero film directed by Joel Schumacher and produced by Tim Burton, based on the DC Comics character Batman. It is the third. Later videos on his channel show that not only did this Forester survive floating down the Moore River, but it later went on to more successful water crossings Man, I love a good less common off roader. HT Hammerhead. Fistpunch. Batman Beyond Return of the Joker. Batman Beyond Return of the Joker also known as Batman of the Future Return of the Joker in Europe and Australia is a 2. American direct to videosuperhero animated film featuring the comic book superhero. Batman and his archenemy, the Joker. It is set in the continuity of the animated series Batman Beyond, in which Bruce Wayne has retired from crime fighting, giving the mantle of Batman to high school student Terry Mc. Divx Avi Ipod Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie here. Ginnis, and serves as a sequel to both Batman The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures. As in the TV series, Will Friedle and Kevin Conroy star as Terry Mc. Ginnis and Bruce Wayne, respectively, and Mark Hamill, who voiced the Joker opposite Conroy in Batman The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures, reprises his role. Before its release, the film was heavily edited to remove scenes of intense violence, and some dialogue was altered, thus creating the Not Rated version of the film. The original version was subsequently released on DVD following an online petition to have the original version released. It received a PG 1. Motion Picture Association of America MPAA for violence, the first animated Batman film and from Warner Bros. Family Entertainment to do so. Mephisto Odyssey and Static X contributed the song Crash The Humble Brothers Remix on the films soundtrack, along with a music video directed by Len Wiseman featured on the DVD. Watch The Boss Baby online streaming full movie in HD for free. Stream The Boss Baby full movie free in good quality without download online. In Neo Gotham City, the Joker mysteriously resurfaces after having disappeared 4. Jokerz. Bruce insists that the Joker must be an impostor despite the evidence, claiming to have witnessed the Jokers death after their last battle. Later, Terry and his girlfriend Dana are attacked by the Jokerz at a nightclub while the Joker simultaneously ambushes and attacks Bruce in the Batcave, poisoning him with his trademark toxin and leaving him for dead. At Terrys insistence, Barbara reluctantly tells him what really happened to the Jokerthe reason she and Bruce believe him to be dead. Decades earlier, after Nightwing Dick Grayson moved to the adjoining city of Bldhaven to fight crime on his own, the Joker and Harley Quinn kidnapped Tim Drake, Dicks successor as Robin, disfigured him to look like the Joker, and tortured him for three weeks, at which point Tim revealed Batmans secrets. After the Joker sadistically taunted both Tim and Batman himself, Batman furiously attacked the Joker for what he did to Tim. During the final battle, although the Joker attempted to make Tim kill Batman, Tim turned on the Joker and killed him before suffering a mental breakdown caused by the guilt of murdering. In the fifth issue of Marvels Civil War II, the Avengers, Inhumans, and more were at war with one another over whether they have the right to apprehend villains. Get the latest news on celebrity scandals, engagements, and divorces Check out our breaking stories on Hollywoods hottest starsBatman and Batgirl comforted Tim and then buried the Jokers body in a mineshaft deep beneath Arkham Asylum, while Tim was eventually rehabilitated by Dr. Leslie Thompkins but Bruce forbade to resume his vigilante role. Terry decides to question Tim, who denies any involvement with the Joker and bitterly claims he had grown sick of his past life as Robin. Terry then suspects Wayne Enterprises operations manager Jordan Pryce, who would have taken control of the company were it not for Bruces return. Terry finds the Jokerz with Pryce on his yacht, who reveal that Pryce had hired them and given them access codes. However, the Joker has sent them to kill Pryce, as he is no longer needed and to cover their tracks. Terry rescues Pryce before a laser blast destroys the yacht, and turns him over to the police. UU2TZ-bXBg/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Watch Full Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem 2002' title='Watch Full Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem 2002' />Back in the Batcave, Terry deduces that Tim must be working with the Joker when he discovers that the high tech equipment the Jokerz have been stealing could be combined by someone with Tims expertise as a top level communications expert to form a machine that would be able to take control of any satellite, even an orbiting military satellite with an automated defense system, and fire it at will, thus explaining what happened on the yacht. Terry tracks the Joker to the abandoned Jolly Jack Candy Factory where he instead finds Tim, who then transforms into the Joker before his eyes. The Joker confesses that when he kidnapped Robin, he secretly implanted a microchip, built from cutting edge genetics technology revealed later to have been stolen from Project Cadmus, into Tims brain. The microchip carries the Jokers consciousness and genetic material, allowing the Joker to transform Tim into a clone of himself, eventually becoming strong enough to permanently control Tims body. Terry discovers the Joker to be a formidable combatant since he has extensive knowledge of Bruces tactics as Batman. Terry improvises by using his own street fighting maneuvers and taunting the Jokers obsession with Bruce as well as his origin, sending the rogue into a fury to put him off balance. Retrieving the Jokers joy buzzerwhich had minutes earlier fallen against several control wires, shocking them and causing the active laser to redirect itself towards the candy factoryTerry delivers a shock to the Jokers neck, destroying the microchip and reverting Tim to his old self, finally freeing him from the Jokers control and ending the Joker permanently. Terry escapes with Tim before the satellite destroys the factory and the satellite jamming device. As Tim recovers in the hospital, he is visited by Bruce, and they both express gratitude towards Terry for saving Tims life and acknowledge his worth to the Batman mantle. The new Batman and young apprentice to Bruce Wayne who has aged and retired being Gothams vigilante. The original Batman, who has aged and mentors Terry. He has recently reassumed leadership of his company, Wayne Entreprises. The original Batmans archenemy, having mysteriously resurfaced after forty years. Hamill also voices Jordan Pryce Vice president of Wayne Entreprises who harbours bitterness towards Bruce Wayne for preventing him from becoming head of the company. Police commisioner of Neo Gotham and former Batgirl. Former Robin, who is now in his fifties and works as a communication engineer. The Jokers henchgirl and lover, believed to have fallen to her death the same night the Joker was killed. Identical twins who are members of the Jokerz. Member of the Jokerz, whose costume is inspired by the Scarecrow. Leader of the Jokerz fraction before the Joker resurfaced and assumed control himself. Member of the Jokerz, who distrust and gets into a struggle with the Joker, who ultimatly kills him. Member of the Jokerz who is spliced with hyena DNA. Bruce Waynes pet dog. Terrys girlfriend. Danas best friend. Terrys mother. Terrys younger brother. An employee at Wayne Entreprises. Tims wife. ProductioneditThe film was put in production after the cancellation of Boyd Kirklands Batman Arkham, the intended sequel to Batman Mr. Freeze Sub. Zero, as well as the planned third Batman The Animated Series feature film. It was produced during the second and third season of Batman Beyond, and aired as part of the third season, specifically after the episodes Kings Ransom and Untouchable, although in fact, the movies events could have happened even after Unmasked, the shows series finale, as there is no reference to the previous two mentioned episodes. Something interesting to note is that the shows recurring character Maxine Max Gibson is inexplicably absent from the film. The design of the Joker in the film was the second revamp of physical appearance, after his redesign in The New Batman Adventures. This design was later used in the episodes Injustice for All, Only a Dream, Part 1 and Wild Cards of Justice League and in the episode The Big Leagues of Static Shock. According to the DVD commentary, Jokers new design was based on an illustration of Hannibal Lecter from the novel The Silence of the Lambs, although some elements of this new design could be inspired by the villain Frieza from the Dragon Ball franchise.