Star Saber Prima Transformers Wiki. The name or term Star Saber refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Star Saber disambiguation. Wielded by Prima, one of the original thirteen Transformers at the dawn of time, the Star Saber sometimes spelled Star Sabre sword was a weapon unlike any other. Though several other swords throughout the multiverse share its name, only one could snuff out stars and crumble the stuff of planets into dust. I/51HBlt6UPCL.jpg' alt='The Full The Sword In The Stone Cartoon' title='The Full The Sword In The Stone Cartoon' />Many legends swirl around this blade of blades, from its origin to it its precise nature to the circumstances surrounding its disappearance into the annals of history, but somewhere between fiction and fact, the Star Saber waits to be discovered again by one worthy enough to wield its power. Fiction. Fun Publications comics. Long before recorded time began, Megatronus turned towards evil and began acting against his fellow siblings. To keep the all powerful Star Saber from falling into evil hands, Nexus Prime decided to use his very body to conceal it. His fellow original Transformers Vector Prime, Alpha Trion, and Solus Prime agreed, and Solus Prime used her forge to smash the blade into five pieces. They then used the quantum edge of the blade still functioning despite the swords sad state, to carve Nexus himself into five pieces, each of which became an individual Heatwave, Skyfall, Landquake, Topspin, and Breakaway. The five pieces of the Star Saber were then scattered across the multiverse, followed soon by the five components of Nexus Prime, their knowledge of the pieces locations and of their own previous lives suppressed until such time as the sword was needed again. Nexus Prime profile. Ask Vector Prime The blades fragmented hilt, the Origin Matrix, was hidden on prehistoric Earth of Primax 4. Epsilon. Vector Prime then sealed the local spacetime in a time lock so that no one could enter or exit. The Vok, already present to conduct one of their experiments, were entrusted with guarding the Matrix. Shattered Balance. Another of the fantastic animated creations from the Disney studios, this is the animated version of The Once and Future King, a T. H. White story. This is the story. Features a cast list as well as reviews and a message board. Ask Vector Prime. Uncounted aeons later, the components of Nexus Prime found each other once again, and the titan was re formed. Reunification Part 6 He proceeded to embark on a multiversal journey with the negative polarity. Quintesson. Aquarius in order to recover the sword fragments, but one major obstacle stood in their way Nexus Primes memories had not returned entirely. He knew that he was searching for an artifact powerful enough to collapse the entire multiversal stack, but could no longer remember what the artifact was, what its pieces looked like, or where exactly they were. You can watch cartoon online for free and in English. Wielded by Prima, one of the original thirteen Transformers at the dawn of time, the Star Saber sometimes spelled Star Sabre sword was a weapon unlike any other. Steven Universe is a comingofage story told from the perspective of Steven, a chubby and happygolucky boy and the youngest member of an intergalactic team of. Valentina Remenar is an artist from Croatia who works in video games, books and digital illustration. Get the latest Rolling Stone new music news, song and album reviews, free music downloads, artist videos pictures, playlists and more. When the pair made a stop on the Cybertron of Primax 5. Epsilon, however, Nexus felt that the Cybertron Elite Guard symbol he spotted on a box was somehow a clue, one that finally got him started on the right track. The Coming Storm Part 1. After unknown further adventures, Aquarius and Nexus succeeded in tracking down four of the five Star Saber fragments, with Aquarius picking up the fourth from a courier in Axiom Nexus. Transformers I. Q. As payment, Aquarius then took the courier through a portal to her home dimension, but the pair were transferred by Nexus in transit to Primax 4. Epsilon so that they could collect the fifth and final piecethe Origin Matrix, the gem from the blades hiltwhich had just been retrieved from its hiding place on the prehistoric Earth of that universe by Ultra Mammoth. Transformers I. Q. Mammoth, however, asserted that he would personally hold onto the Matrix until Nexus Prime could come to collect it. Falling into Place. Later, as negative polarity Ultra Magnus was about to kill his positive polarity counterpart, Nexus Prime arrived, reformed the Star Saber with the Origin Matrix, and used it to slice Magnuss Terminus Blade wielding arm cleanly off. The odds against him, Magnus attempted to escape, but Nexus simply used the Terminus Blade to open an interdimensional portal, exiling Magnus through it. Resolving to prevent multiversal crises such as that of Magnuss doing from ever happening again, Nexus Prime departed, Restoration traveling to a key point in interdimensional space. He then combined the powers of the Star Saber and the Terminus Blade together, strengthening the barriers between universes, rendering interdimensional travel nigh impossible, and nullifying multiversal singularities. Out of the One, Many. Aligned continuity family. Aligned novels. The Star Saber was one of the greatest weapons created by Solus Prime. To hide the full truth of its nature from any single Cybertronian, many myths exist about it some claim that it was created out of three bots and wielded itself, others that it was integrated into the chassis of one of the Thirteen, and others still that Solus forged it from the core of a star, using its own heat as her furnace. Exiles More concretely, it is known that the Matrix of Leadership once adorned the swords hilt. Exodus. According to Alpha Trion, the Star Saber was shattered into five pieces after the defeat of Liege Maximo. Per Trions story, Nexus Prime gathered the pieces, broke himself into five botsClocker, Mainspring, Chaindrive, Pinion, and Cannonspringhid a piece inside each bot, and spread his component bots across the universe in order to keep the Star Saber away from Megatronus. Exiles. Following the Great Exodus of Cybertronians from Cybertron, Optimus Prime was led across the galaxy by the Matrix of Leadership that he now bore, discovering on each stop blade like fragments of Cybertronian metal. Optimus presumed them to be pieces of the Star Saber, but they were in actuality the Blades of Time, another artifact entrusted to Nexus. However, Primes journey had also led to the discovery of the five components of Nexus Prime, who reformed during a battle with the Decepticons on Junkion. The sword he proceeded to summon was, contrary to legend, named the Cyber Caliber, calling into question whether or not the story about him being guardian of the Star Saber was true. WALL-E Full Movie. Exiles. Prime cartoon. The Star Saber was held in the Iacon vaults near the end of the war, and ejected into space with the rest of the items stored there. It found its way to Earth where it became entombed in rock. When Megatron uncovered it, he found that its energy rendered the rock around it indestructible and he was unable to extract it. The Decepticons attempted to lift the whole rock face with the Nemesis, but Optimus Prime was able to pull it from the stone. With it, he split the entire mountain in half and unleashed a wave of energy that struck the Nemesis. Alpha Trion later sent Optimus Prime a message using the sword. Legacy. Desperate to match Optimus newfound power, Megatron transplanted the arm of a dead Prime onto himself, which allowed him to use the Forge of Solus Prime to forge the Dark Star Saber. He challenged Optimus to a battle for the latest relic, and though their swords seemed to be equal when it came to flinging energy waves around, the original Star Saber proved to be less durable when Megatron managed to shatter it with his own blade. The shards from the blade dissolved into dust, and Optimus took the hilt back to base with him. AlphaOmega. After regaining the Forge of Solus Prime, Optimus used it to reforge the Star Saber and took it with him to Cybertron. He used it in battle with Megatron, matching the Dark Star Saber, and keeping his opposite busy while the other Autobots reclaimed the Omega Keys. Once theyd succeeded, he used the sword to knock Megatron flying so the Autobots could retreat. Regeneration. With the Decepticons threatening the kids, Optimus had no choice but to throw down the Star Saber. When it turned out Megatron intended to destroy Earth, he picked up the sword again, using it to slice off Megatrons right arm and destroy the Omega Lock. He later used it to destroy the Ground. Watch cartoon online, watch cartoon movies, free cartoon online.