Star Wars Rogue Squadron Wookieepedia. Star Wars Rogue Squadron. Rogue Squadron Nintendo 6. Star Wars Rogue Squadron Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3. D for PC is a video game that was first released for the Nintendo 6. PC on December 7, 1. Star-Wars-Prequels1-600x300.jpg' alt='Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair The Movie High Quality ' title='Star Wars Episode V 1/2: The Han Solo Affair The Movie High Quality ' />It was one of the first Nintendo 6. Expansion Pak, which allowed higher quality graphics to be displayed while playing. The story is set between Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope and Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, beginning six months after the Battle of Yavin with the exception of the final and secret levels, and shows the missions set during the formation of Rogue Squadron, led by Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles. In 1. 99. 9, Star Wars Rogue Squadron won the Origins Award for Best Action Computer Game of 1. Star Wars Rogue Squadron is set during the war between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. Six months after the Battle of Yavin,3 the fliers of Rogue Squadron are engaged in a desperate battle for the survival of the Rebellion. Luke Plunkett. Luke Plunkett is a Contributing Editor based in Canberra, Australia. He has written a book on cosplay, designed a game about airplanes, and also runs. Greetings, my Westerosi window envelopes As you can probably guess, last weeks episode of Game of Thronesand its increasing dominance over the pop culture. As the Empire gathers strength for an all out assault on the Rebel forces, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles form Rogue Squadron, a group comprising twelve of the most skilled X wing pilots from the Rebel Alliance. Sixyears after the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance has established the New Republic, which now controls three quarters of the galaxy. After the deaths of Emperor. Palpatine and Darth Vader, the Galactic Empire collapsed, but was reborn under a mysterious new leader. Rogue Squadron, now under the command of Wedge Antilles, continues to fight the Empire to protect the newly formed Republic. Plot summary. Edit. Six months after the Battle of Yavin,3 Rogue Squadron briefly encounters the Empire at the Mos Eisley spaceport on Tatooine. The team is then assigned to escort supplies on Barkhesh. Soon after, Rogue Squadron helps search for the Nonnah1 and extract its crew on Chorax. Later, the Rebels learn that Imperial officer Crix Madine wishes to defect to the Rebel Alliance. In response, the Empire launches an attack on Corellia, where Madine is hiding, to prevent his departure. Rogue Squadron, with the help of Han Solo and Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon, fought off the Empire and escorted Madine safely off the planet. Soon after, Rogue Squadron is joined by Gold Squadron, a group of Y wings now led by Crix Madine they are dispatched to the moon of Gerrard V to aid its quest for independence from the Empire. While disabling Imperial yachts over Gerrard V, the Rebel force encountered the 1. TIE Interceptor Squadron. Imperial pilot Kasan Moors TIE fighter was disabled by Gold Squadron during the battle. When Rogue Squadron informed Moor that she has been taken prisoner, she offered to defect and provide the Rebel Alliance with intelligence on Imperial targets. With the help of Kasan Moors intelligence, the Alliance launched threeconsecutiveattacks on Imperial bases throughout the galaxy. After an assault on the Imperial Enclave, a facility on Kile II supporting the Empires Naval operations, Wedge Antilles was ambushed by a group of TIE fighters and was taken captive. The Rebel Alliance tracked Antilles to an Imperial prison complex on the planet of Kessel. Rogue Squadron organized a rescue on Kessel, liberating Wedge Antilles before he could be transferred to an Imperial prison. With Wedge Antilles free and Rogue Squadron again at full strength, the Rebel Alliance turned its attention to a new Imperial threatMoff. Kohl Seerdon. Seerdon was consolidating Imperial power in preparation for an attack aimed at capturing Thyferra, a planet producing the healing substance bacta. Rogue Squadron was ordered to disrupt his operation with hit and run missions against key targets on Taloraan and Fest. In retaliation, Seerdon blockaded a city on the planet of Chandrila. Rogue Squadron and the Alliance struck back by initiating a Kasan Moorengineered raid on an Imperial base located inside a volcano on Sullust. While on Sullust, however, General. Carlist Rieekan informed Rogue Squadron that Moff Seerdon used their raid as a diversion and began his attack on Thyferra. With Seerdon in control of the planets bacta and their own supply threatened, Rogue Squadron quickly reached Thyferra, killed Seerdon, and freed the planet from Seerdons control. Six years after the Battle of Endor, Rogue Squadron, now under the command of Wedge Antilles, continued to fight the wounded Empire. On the planet of Dac, new Imperial weapons called World Devastators were destroying the planet. Rogue Squadron assisted in disabling all three Devastators and destroying the Imperial presence. Main characters. Edit. Luke Skywalker. Edit. Skywalker and his X wing. Luke Skywalker is Rogue Leader and a fledgling Jedi Knight. He formed Rogue Squadron and led it up until the Battle of Hoth. Wedge Antilles. Edit. Antilles the pilot. Wedge Antilles is a Corellian who was orphaned2. Rebellion. He survived the first Death Star and flew with Rogue Squadron. He became Rogue Leader after the Battle of Hoth. Crix Madine. Edit. Madine the officer. Crix Madine is an Imperial defector who led commando forces on missions for the Rebellion alongside Rogue Squadron. Chapter IEdit Chapter IThe Rebel Opposition. Six months have passed since. Battle of Yavin. The Death. Star has been destroyed. As the war against the Empire. Sale Gueule Movie Dvd. Luke Skywalker. forms the legendary Rogue. Squadron from the Rebel. Alliances most skilled X Wing. Their mission to defend the. Rebel Alliance. against a still powerful and. Imperial. foe, in a last ditch effort. Ambush at Mos Eisley Rogue Squadron gets caught up in a battle between the Imperials and the natives. This mission serves as a training area for players to jump into the action and practice aiming and targeting skills. Briefing This mission takes place on Luke Skywalkers home planet of Tatooine, a bleak, forbidding desert world scorched by twin suns in the Outer Rim. Tatooine has recently been colonized due to its strategic location near several hyperspace routes. Its largest spaceport city, Mos Eisley, is a crossroads for interstellar commerce, and is populated with pirates, thieves, and smugglers. Protect the homesteads. Destroy the probe droids. Protect Mos Eisley. Eliminate the Imperial forces. Completion Time 3 0. Enemies Destroyed 3. Friendly Saves 5. Bonus Collected 0. Rendezvous on Barkhesh These supplies must make it to the shuttle before its too late. This mission introduces major enemies such as the AT ST. It also introduces a moving target to protect. Briefing Youll fly this mission on Barkhesh, a planet noted for its hot, humid, tropical jungles in its southern regions. The local resistance there is transporting supplies desperately needed by the Rebellion. The Empire will do everything in its power to stop the transfer, and has posted Imperial scout walkers in the planets canyons. Escort supply convoy to safety. Completion Time 5 4. Enemies Destroyed 3. Friendly Saves 1. Bonus Collected 0. The Search for the Nonnah The A Wings can swoop in and make a quick getaway. This mission introduces large protection missions which revolve around defending a certain target. Briefing In this mission, youll be flying over the lakes of Chorax, trying to locate a downed Rebel ship in a race against the Imperials looking for the ship as well. The Chorax system is located in the Rachuk sector, and contains one medium sized star and one planet. It is a haven for pirates and smugglers. Locate crashed Rebel ship. Protect the ship from invading Imperial Forces. Completion Time 1. Enemies Destroyed 3. Friendly Saves 1. Bonus Collected 0. Defection at Corellia The Capitol Tower must be protected at all costs from the Empire. Here, the player is subjected to their first major challenge the AT AT. Briefing The planet is home to Han Solo, General Crix Madine, and Rogue Squadrons own Wedge Antilles.