South Park Theater Movie

South Park Theater Movie

South Park Bigger Longer Uncut movie clips BUY THE MOVIE Dont miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS bit. Actor and bodybuilding legend Reg Park starred as Hercules in a handful of Woolner Brothers Productions and American International Pictures in the early 1960s, as. I Want To Watch The Full Movie Of Red Dead Redemption: The Man From Blackwater more. Eric Cartman South Park Archives. Eric Theodore Cartman For other uses, see Eric disambiguation. Eric Theodore Cartman, usually referred to as just Cartman, is one of the main characters, along with Stan Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, and Kenny Mc. Cormick. Cartman is sometimes the main antagonist of an episode, for example Trapper Keeper. None of the other three main children really consider Cartman their friend and do not know why they started hanging out with him in the first place, but a certain form of unstable friendship ends up being born between them. However he is usually Kyles first choice when he breaks his friendship with Stan. In earlier episodes, Kenny was his best friend, however, in later seasons, Butters Stotch is usually depicted as such. Cartman was the first one of the boys to be shown without his hat, as seen in Merry Christmas Charlie Manson. He also weighs 9. Weight Gain 4. 00. Background. Concept and Creation. According to the creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, they thought it would be impossible to put a character like Archie Bunker on late 2. But then they came up with the idea that it might be allowed if the character were an animated nine formerly eight year old boy living in the mountain town of South Park, Colorado. Thus, Cartman was born. Accomplishments. Over the course of the series, Cartman managed to accomplish a wide range of achievements more than any other character of South Park. Some of them are a success or failure. Roger Ebert Should Lay off the Fatty Foods Wins the Cheesy Poofs singing commercial contest. However, he only got one line Lame in the commercial. Successful Failure. The Red Badge of Gayness Tries to win a bet over Stan Marsh and Kyle Broflovski, so that they have to be his slaves for a month. Failure, although he did manage to manipulate an entire army of drunken Confederate Civil War actors to almost split apart the US, and never got punished in any way for it Failure. Cartman Joins NAMBLA Proves himself that hes Mature and becomes NAMBLAs poster child, unaware they were pedophiles and only interested on account of his youth. Successful Failure. Scott Tenorman Must Die Had Scott Tenormans parents killed, grounded them up into chili, and fed it to their son. Success, and Failure seeing as he kills his biological father doing this but that didnt seem to bother him when he found out. Cartmanland Bought the theme park with one million dollars he inherited from his grandmother. After selling it back to the original owner, he blew all his money. Failure. Red Hot Catholic Love Proved to Kyle that it is possible to defecate out of the mouth after putting food up the anus. Successful Failure, although he proved to Kyle that his theory worked, Kyle congratulated Cartman which ruined his true intentions Humiliating Kyle by flaunting the money he lost. Christian Rock Hard Forms a band to make a platinum album, but only gets myrrh. A fulltime, nonforprofit alternative cinema. Maitland. Lionsgate is planning a South Korean theme park that will have areas devoted to its Hunger Games, Twilight and Now You See Me franchises. Failure. The Passion of the Jew Attempts to start a second Holocaust. But, succeeds in tricking a big crowd to his side for a while. Successful Failure. Something Wall Mart This Way Comes Bets Kyle that when you die you release your bowels. Success. Imaginationland Wins a bet with Kyle, which requires Kyle to suck his balls. He later conjured up an imaginary Kyle, who sucked an imaginary Cartmans balls. Because Kyle said all things imaginary are real, this can be considered a success. Success. Mysterion Rises Became a complete but extremely delusional villain starting by controlling Cthulhu with his cute and cuddly methods and attacks many people and things, starting with hippies, the Jewish Synagogue, and San Francisco. Success. Coon vs. Coon Friends Had Cthulhu destroy the hippie concert of Burning Man, eliminate every single Whole Foods Market, send Coon and Friends to a dark oblivion, murder Justin Bieber, and do more evil. SuccessFailure. Matured slightly by having an extremely delusional episode, which resulted in him murdering his stuffed animals. JPG?1345608559' alt='South Park Theater Movie ' title='South Park Theater Movie ' />Success. Youre Not Yelping Pretended to be a food critic to get free food. Success. Criminal Record. Cartman is notable for having a very large criminal record. Although he has committed many atrocities and crimes, he has only been arrested six times. He has been arrested for his mistakenly assumed hate crime, kidnapping Butters, framing Liane for operating a meth lab, being with Stan Marsh on Whale Whores The prison Cartman went to for this assumed crime was Japanese, and incarcerating hippies. He was also arrested for the murders and terrorism of multiple people with Cthulhu, while under the disguise of the Coon, by Kyle, Kenny, Stan, Clyde, Token and Timmy, although they didnt have the authority. Even then he was released almost immediately after his arrest. The real reason why Cartman doesnt stay in prison for a very long time is likely because his Mom bails him out, dismissing the severity of the crime. Another reason why because the town is too incompetent to do anything about it. Cartmans criminal record includes but isnt limited to. Murder In Butt Out, Cartman stabbed Rob Reiner, essentially killing him. This can be considered self defense Reiner had been trying to lynch him by gathering a mob. However, Rob Reiner does appear in a later episode proving he did not actually die. When he flash backed to 1. Im a Little Bit Country, he brutally murdered a messenger boy with a log, although this was in his imagination, and therefore was not a real crime. He was also indirectly responsible for the murder of Mr. Mrs. Tenorman in Scott Tenorman Must Die, and many others in Poor and Stupid. He shot and killed two members of the Chinese Mafia in Wing but that was in self defense. He murdered dozens of people while they were zombies and he didnt have to do that as all he had to do was kill Kenny. He also electrocuted several Mexicans to death with a taser after soaking them in water in The Last of the Meheecans. Prostitution After Kyle caused him to have a severe concussion and amnesia in Cow Days, he begins to think that he was a Vietnamese prostitute named Ming Lee and it is implied that he prostituted himself to Leonardo Di. Caprio. He also did this in Chickenlover and Freak Strike but he did not have sex with anyone but actually pretended to be a prostitute. Vandalism He mentions in The Death of Eric Cartman that he had broken a mans fence without telling him about it. He also destroyed most of the stuff in Butters room with a baseball bat in the same episode. He even did this in AWESOM O when he messed up the entire Stotch house while trying to find a videotape Butters had. He T ped a house in Toilet Paper and The Ring and since Butters was put in jail for it Cartman would have but he was praised instead for being honest. Manslaughter He accidentally bashed Kennys skull in Timmy 2. Though it was the Ritalin side effects and a hallucination, he did not mean to legitimately murder Kenny. When he tried to kill Timmys turkey with a stagelight in Helen Keller The Musical, it accidentally killed Kenny instead due to the fact that he rigged the wrong one. South Park premiere just ripped blue collar entitlement. The media expected South Parks 2. Charlottesville and white supremacists based on its preview. And it did. But South Park saved its sharpest edges for mocking Americans distraught about the decline in manufacturing and other blue collar jobs. In the episode, workers in South Park are up in arms over technology companies automating traditional occupations, so they take to the streets in protest complete with waving a Confederate flag. The protestors disrupt Randy Marshs new house flipping show, which is called White People Renovating Houses. Dont you know every time you wave Confederate flags around you make us look stupid Randy scolds. So Randy proposes a solution Theres been a lot of hurt here hurt from both sides he says, echoing President Donald Trumps infamous take on the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August. What if I told you I could get you all jobs Randys idea is to have the frustrated townsfolk literally take the place of Amazons Alexa shopping assistant units in peoples homes. But the newly employed find memorizing grocery lists and looking up stuff online undignified and threaten to quit. In the episodes most scathing exchange, Randy shoots back, Sorry you didnt go to college so you have to take the jobs you can get Coal mining and truck driving are not exactly jobs of the future Youre stuck in another time, afraid to change. That attitude, of course, just makes matters worse, leaving one worker to storm out while declaring, Muslims trying to kill us, black people rioting, Mexicans having babies so I say, Kill em all Yet South Park doesnt go any further down that darker path. Instead, Randy renovates the lead protestors house for a rousing finish that brings the town together. No matter how bad the country gets, you can always count on white people renovating houses, Randy declares. Before the episode premiered, many online particularly, some progressives were rather concerned how the Comedy Central series would tackle such sensitive subject matter.

South Park Theater Movie
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