The 50 Scariest Movies of All Time. From classic jumps to psychological horror, these films might just keep you awake at night. Romantic Horror Movies Almost Home ' title='Romantic Horror Movies Almost Home ' />Japanese horror Wikipedia. Japanese horror is Japanesehorror fiction in popular culture, noted for its unique thematic and conventional treatment of the horror genre in light of western treatments. Japanese horror tends to focus on psychological horror and tension building suspense, particularly involving ghosts and poltergeists, while many contain themes of folk religion such as possession, exorcism, shamanism, precognition, and ykai. Origins. Whether youre looking for ghouls, ghosts, or gore, theres probably a horror movie to fit your tastes. But the scariest movies are always those that seem like. Still a stranger to her own body, a high school student discovers she has a physical advantage when she becomes the object of male violence. Rated R. 94 minutes. Back home in Massachusetts, my mother, too, watched many movies, mostly comedies and romantic dramas. Perhaps because she, like my father, was a chemist, she. Are you looking for movies like The Notebook Youve come to the right place. The Rain Children Downloading here. Lets take a look at some similar romantic films.