Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Book Of Dragons

Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Book Of Dragons

Game of Thrones DVD Blu Ray Release Dates. Here are the release dates for each of the available seasons of Game of Thrones on Blu Ray and DVD. Weve also included links to the amazing soundtrack featuring music from Game of Thrones as well. DVDizzy. com New and Upcoming DVD Bluray Schedule Current Month Next Month 2 Months from Now Upcoming Cover Art Search This Site Click any heading to. The epic new fantasy series from HBO is finally available on DVD and Blu Ray to relive the magic any time on your home entertainment system. These sets make perfect gifts for those unfortunate friends and family members who dont have HBO. Would you deny them Game of Thrones Information on the box sets and links to reputable retailers are below. Well update this list as we know more. Release Dates and helpful purchasing links await you below Game of Thrones Season 1Released March 6th, 2. Our ReviewGame of Thrones Season 2Released Feb. Our ReviewGame of Thrones Season 3Released Feb. Our ReviewGame of Thrones Season 4. Release Date February 1. Game of Thrones DVD BluRay Release Dates October 8th 2017. Inside this you will find exactly the same box as the standard Bluray release of Season One. Rescue Heroes: The Movie Streaming more. So you can pull that out and have it not look out of place if you want. Game of Thrones Season 7 BluRay, DVD, Digital Download Release Dates, Bonus Features Announced. Conan the Destroyer Bluray 1984 Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Grace Jones and Wilt Chamberlain. Conan, the swashbuckler, is promised that his dead love will be. VIDEOHUB. SG is your number 1 choice online video rental library delivering widest range of movies and TV Series to your home in Singapore. With our allnew Renting. Synopsis, cast and crew, user comments and ratings, quotations, and links. Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Book Of Dragons ' title='Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Book Of Dragons ' />Game of Thrones Season 5. Released March 2. Game of Thrones Season 6. Released November 1. The is it redeemable through UV, iTunes, or both Thread Digital Movies. THE LORD OF THE RINGS THE MOTION PICTURE TRILOGY EXTENDED EDITION Bluray Review. Collider reviews THE LORD OF THE RINGS extended edition Bluray. Game of Thrones Season 7. Release Date TBD 2. Game of Thrones. Soundtrack IOur Soundtrack ReviewGame of Thrones. Soundtrack IIOur Soundtrack ReviewGame of Thrones. Soundtrack IIIOur Soundtrack Review. THE LORD OF THE RINGS EXTENDED EDITION Blu ray Review. Its finally here. For those whove held out hope for the extended editions of Lord of the Rings series on Blu ray, Warner Brothers has now put out a fifteen disc set of the franchise, with each film getting a new mastering. Peter Jacksons triumphant version of the J. R. R. Tolkien books won big at the Oscars seventeen awards in total, including best picture for Return of the King and the box office, and did so for a reason its great. Watching them again, the films still feel perfect, and though there may be some bad jokes, and perfectionists may wish that more of the books made it on screen or were added to the extended cuts, the sheer scale that Jackson gets to by the final chapter is one of the great achievements of cinema. Yes, the guy who directed Bad Taste had the right stuff. One wonders if hell ever be as good again. Our review of  The Lord of the Rings The Motion Picture Trilogy Extended Edition on Blu ray follows after the jump. You know the drill. Four Hobbits Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Dominic Monaghan and Billy Boyd join up with a Dwarf John Rhys Davies an Elf Orlando Bloom, a wizard Ian Mc. Kellan and two humans Sean Bean, Viggo Mortensen to destroy a ring that controls the fate of the world. Along the way, some are killed, and the gang is split up with Frodo Baggins Wood and Samwise Astin encountering Gollum Andy Serkis, who helps lead them on their way while pining for the ring himself. Short review The transfers are outstanding, with Fellowship of the Ring whose theatrical incarnation on Blu ray was not up to snuff now looking as good as the rest of the films. And in 1. 08. 0p, these suckers are gorgeous. All the supplements are the same, and they include everything from the four disc sets previously released, along with the Costa Botes documentaries the ones issued with the two disc EE sets. The downside instead of converting the supplements to 1. Blu ray disc, the films extras are presented in DVD versions. Which means theyre the exact same discs as before, and theres nothing new. Fellowship of the Ring was the one that started it all, and suggested that Jackson could deliver. The film covers the history of the ring, and how it got to Bilbo Baggins Ian Holm, who received unnaturally long life and health from the ring, but treats it like an addiction. When he leaves the shire on his 1. Frodo Wood, but Gandalf Mc. Kellen thinks theres something odd about it. All the while, Sauron the original owner of the ring is growing more powerful and has recruited Saruman Christopher Lee to help build him an army. Gandalf has Samwise Astin join Frodo, and the two hook in Merry Monaghan and Pippen Boyd. They meet Aragorn Mortensen who helps them get to Elrond Hugo Weaving so they can decide what to do with the ring. There the fellowship is formed, and the journey begins, which leads them to the mines of Moira, and eventually the dissolution of the fellowship. God damn, what an entertaining movie. One that takes chances with the amount of fantasy, but this is fantasy done right. The extended editions are that much longer, and you get to really sink into the characters, with more breathing room at the beginning especially. The original cut ran 1. Extended Edition runs 2. Lord of the Rings fan club members who ponied up the dough to get their names in the credits. The editions are mostly minor, but since the world is so much fun to spend time in, its worth it. The opening gets the most additional material, but little things like the magical powers of all the gifts the Elves give the Fellowship add up to a stronger film in total. The film is presented over two discs, with the film in an immaculate looking widescreen 2. DTS HD 6. 1 ES surround sound. Is this a demo disc Yes. I found myself noticing sweat and the texture of paper all the little things that pop with a great transfer. The film comes with four commentaries, the first with Peter Jackson, writerproducer Fran Walsh, and writer Philippa Boyens, the second with Production designer Grant Major, Costume Designer Ngila Dickson, Weta Workshop creature supervisor Richard Taylor, conceptual Designers Alan Lee and John How, supervising art directorset director Dan Hennah, art department manager Chris Hennah, and Weta workshop manager Tania Rodger. The third track features producer Barrie Osbourne, executive producer Mark Ordesky, cinematographer Andrew Lesnie, editor John Gilber, co producer Rick Porras, composer Howard Shore, visual effects supervisor Jim Rygiel, supervising sound editorco designer Ethan Van der Ryn, supervising sound editor Mike Hopkins, Weta Animation Designer and supervisor Randy Cook, Weta VFX art director Christian Rivers, Weta VFX cinematographer Brian Vant Hul, and miniatures unit director of photography Alex Funke. The fourth track, the cast commentary, features Elijah Wood, Ian Mc. Kellan, Liv Tyler, Sean Astin, John Rhys Davies, Billy Boyd, Dominic Managhan, Orlando Bloom, Christopher Lee, and Sean Bean. Both Blu ray discs of Fellowship have easily found Easter Eggs. Disc three offers The Appendices Part One From Book to Vision and covers the journey of FOTR from page to screen. It starts with a welcome from Peter Jackson 1 min. Its followed by J. R. R. Tolkien Creator of Middle Earth 2. Tolkiens influences. From Book to Script 2. Tom Bombadill. In the Visualizing the Story section theres Storyboards and Pre Viz Making Words into Images 1. Early Storyboards, which offers a look at The Prologue 8 min. Orc Pursuit into Lothlorien 2 min. Sarn Gebir Rapids Chase 2 min. Pre viz Animatics offers looks at Gandalf Rides to Orthanc 1 min. The Stairs of Khazad Dum 2 min. Animatic to film Comparisons has two scenes, Nazgul Attack at Bree 2 min. The Bridge of Khazad Dum 3 min., and the section concludes with Bag End Set Test 7 min., where Jackson hashed out how some of the sizing would work. Designing and Building Middle earth offers Designing Middle earth 4. Weta Workshop 4. Costume Design 1. There are also two still galleries for design, broken into numerous subsections covering the people and the realms, with some of the stills coming with commentary. The Middle Earth Atlas is an interactive map where you can follow the journey of Frodo or Gandalf, with clips from the film. And, finally, New Zealand as Middle earth 1. Disc four is called The Appendices Part Two From Vision to Reality. It starts with an intro from Elijah Wood 1 min. Then comes Filming The Fellowship of the Ring which is broken into three featurettes. The Fellowship of the Cast 3. A Day in the Life of a Hobbit 1. Cameras in Middle Earth 5. This section also offers a Production Photos still gallery. Visual Effects offers features on Scale 1. Miniatures section features Big atures 1. And in Weta Digital 2. Post Production Putting It All Together offers Editorial Assembling an Epic 1. Editorial Demonstration The Council of Elrond2 min. Digital Grading 1. Sound and Music has The Soundscapes of Middle earth 1. Music for Middle earth 1. Howard Shores work a spotlight. Finally, The Road Goes Ever On 7 min. Disc Five offers Costa Botes documentary on the making of Fellowship 8. The hobbits get to goof on each other, but work gets done. What may be most amazing about this series aside from its command of CGI effects aside from its compelling characters and story aside from the fabulous star making performances of Viggo Mortensen and Orlando Bloom aside from the great casting aside from the beautiful New Zealand vistas shot by Andrew Lesnie aside from the sheer spectacle of it all is how Peter Jackson has made these films his own.

Movies On Blu Ray Dvd Book Of Dragons
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