Contains cast and crew details, movie format information, plot summary, trailers, goofs, quotes and a message board. Watch Watch Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete English Subbed in HD on 9anime. Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Complete,. Directed by Takayoshi Nakazato. With Steve Blum, Kari Wahlgren, Kim Mai Guest, Jamieson Price. Set a few years after Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, this PS2. Did you know that you can help us produce ebooks by proofreading just one page a day II Final Fantasy II is the second installment in the Final Fantasy series. It is notable for. The Square Enix Online Store is the official shop for Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, soundtracks, merchandise, video games and exclusive collectors. Forum Video Game Music Download Links. Links to download soundtracks and game rips on various share sites. This is not a place to put requests. Download Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Online ' title='Download Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Online ' />VII Final Fantasy VII is a Japanese roleplaying game and the seventh main installment in the. Compilation of Final Fantasy VIIThe Compilation of Final Fantasy VII is a metaseries produced by Square Enix. A subseries stemming from the main Final Fantasy series, it is a collection of video games, animated features and short stories based in the world and continuity of Final Fantasy VII. Officially announced in 2. Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, the series core products are three video games and one movie release. Alongside these are tie in products and spin offs including books, mobile games and an original video animation. Advent Children and the mobile title Before Crisis Final Fantasy VII are sequel and prequel to VII, respectively focusing on Cloud Strife, the original games main protagonist, and covert operatives known as the Turks. Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII follows the story of Zack Fair, an important minor character in VII, while Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy VII, which acts as a sequel to Advent Children follows Vincent Valentine, one of the originals optional characters. The series was conceived by Yoshinori Kitase, the original games director, and Tetsuya Nomura, the main character designer. Nomura would become the main designer for each entry in the Compilation. Other returning staff include writer Kazushige Nojima, art director Yusuke Naora, and composer Nobuo Uematsu. The video games belong to different genres, with none of them being traditional role playing games due to production pressures related to the genre. While the first title revealed was Advent Children, it ran into delays during post production, so the first Compilation title to be released was the mobile game Before Crisis. Of the core titles, Before Crisis is the only one still unreleased in the west due to issues with overseas platform compatibility and staff changes. Reception of titles in the Compilation has been mixed, with Advent Children being praised for its visuals and criticized for its confusing nature. Before Crisis and Crisis Core have received praise, while Dirge of Cerberus garnered a mixed response. The presentation of the Compilation as a whole has met with a mixed response, and later staff linked it to the decline of the Final Fantasy series prestige in the West. The Compilation inspired the creation of Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy, a similar subseries of linked video games. Video gameseditBefore Crisis Final Fantasy VII is an action role playing video game split into 2. After going through beta testing in 2. September 2. 4, 2. NTT Do. Co. Mos FOMA i. Mode, and on January 3. April 5, 2. 00. 7 for Soft. Bank Mobile and EZweb respectively. The game was never released to western markets, despite plans to do so. Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy VII is an action game featuring both first and third person shooter elements. There was originally a multiplayer mode, but this was removed in the western version. It was released on January 2. August 1. 5, and November 1. Japan, North America and Europe respectively. The localized version received an overhaul before release, as the developers were not pleased with the Japanese version of the game. An International version, featuring the improvements made to the localized version, was released in Japan on September 1. Square Enixs Ultimate Hits lineup. A mobile spin off taking place during the events of the game, Dirge of Cerberus Lost Episode Final Fantasy VII, was released on August 2. North America and July 2. Japan. 78Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII is an action role playing game. Crisis Core has the player controlling Zack Fair in a real time combat system enabling the player to move Zack around, activate abilities and attack or block attacks from enemies. It was released on September 1. Japan, and on March 2. June 2. 0, 2. 00. North America and Europe respectively. Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, the first title conceived for the Compilation, the second to be released, and a direct to DVD sequel to VII. It was released in Japan on September 1. April 2. 4 and 2. Europe and North America respectively. It received a single special western cinema screening on April 3, 2. Arclight Theatre in Los Angeles. A directors cut of the film, Advent Children Complete, was also produced, featuring graphical retouches, extra footage and rerecorded voice work for the English and Japanese versions. A Blu ray exclusive, Advent Children Complete was released on June 2, 2. North America, on July 2. Europe, and on October 7, 2. Australia. 1. 81. A demo for Final Fantasy XIII was included in the package. Last Order Final Fantasy VII, an original video animation detailing the destruction of the town of Nibelheim, a key event in VII. Last Order was packaged with a limited edition of Advent Children called Advent Pieces, released on September 1. Japan and February 6, 2. North America. 1. Advent Pieces was limited to a quantity of 7. The OVA is no longer available to purchase. Download Divx Monkey King: Hero Is Back Movie more. Related mediaeditMultiple pieces of tie in media have been created for the Compilation, nearly all relating to Advent Children. To promote Advent Children Complete, a series of short stories were written by Kazushige Nojima under the umbrella title On a Way to Smile. The stories were later collected into a single paperback volume and released on April 1. An animated adaptation of one story, Case of Denzel, was included in all copies of Advent Children Complete. Nojima also wrote Final Fantasy VII Lateral Biography Turks The Kids Are Alright, a novel set a short time before Advent Children. The novel was illustrated by Shou Tojima. A mobile racing game based on a mini game from VII, Final Fantasy VII G Bike, was released on October 3. OS and Android. A western release for the title was planned. It was developed by Japan based developer Cyber. Connect. 2 as part of a planned subseries of mobile games based on VIIs mini games. While related to VII and the Compilation due to its nature, the developers confirmed that it was not related to nor affected the Compilation itself. Due to difficulties delivering continual satisfactory service, G Bike was shut down in 2. Western release. 2. SettingeditThe setting of Final Fantasy VII is a world that has been described as an industrial or post industrialscience fictionmilieu. It is referred to as the Planet by the series characters, and was retroactively named Gaia in some Square Enix promotional material and by game staff. The planets lifeforce is called the Lifestream, a flow of spiritual energy that gives life to everything on the Planet. Its processed form is known as Mako. During VII and its prequels, the Lifestream is being used by the megacorporation Shinra as an energy source. This is in turn causing the Planet to dangerously weaken, threatening the existence of everything and everyone on the planet. The main narrative of VII focuses on an eco terrorist group known as AVALANCHE, chronicling their conflict with Shinra president Rufus Shinra and his subordinates, including the covert Turks, and SOLDIER, an elite fighting force created by giving humans raw Mako. Eventually, all come under threat from Sephiroth, a member of SOLDIER created through Shinra experimentation and driven mad when he learns the truth about his origins, and Jenova, an alien lifeform which seeks to destroy all life on the Planet. Among the main characters are Cloud Strife, a mercenary and self proclaimed ex SOLDIER, Aerith Gainsborough, a flower seller and last member of an ancient tribe known as the Cetra,4. Tifa Lockhart, Clouds childhood friend, and Vincent Valentine, a former Turk who was made immortal by Shinra experimentation. During the conflict, Sephiroth summons a destructive spell called Meteor to mortally wound the Planet. When Aerith attempts to summon Holy, a defense mechanism that can stop Meteor, she is killed by Sephiroth. Eventually, the party are successful in defeating Sephiroth, and the Lifestream reinforces Holy, successfully stopping Meteor. Final Fantasy II Final Fantasy Wiki. IIFinal Fantasy IIII Fainaru Fantaj TsRelease dates. Famicom Version December 1. Wonderswan Color Version May 3, 2. Play. Station Version October 3. March 1. 4, 2. 00. April 8, 2. 00. 3Game Boy Advance Version July 2. November 2. 9, 2. December 3, 2. 00. November 1. 8, 2. Mobile Phone Version February 4, 2. Play. Station Portable Version June 7, 2. July 2. 4, 2. 00. February 8, 2. 00. Wii Virtual Console June 1. Play. Station Network July 8, 2. PSOne March 2, 2. PSP January 1. 0, 2. OS Version February 2. Android Version December 2. For the game originally released as Final Fantasy II in North America, see Final Fantasy IV. Final Fantasy II is the second installment in the Final Fantasy series. It is notable for being one of the first story intensive RPGs released for a console systems, and for being the first game in the series to feature many elements that would later become staples of the Final Fantasy franchise, including chocobos and a character by the name of Cid. Final Fantasy II is also unique for eliminating the traditional experience based advancement system, instead favoring a system wherein the playable characters statistics increase according either to how much they are required, or how much they are used. In other words, a character who frequently casts magic spells would have their proficiency at casting increase faster than a character who specializes in physical attacks. This is called the skill based advancement system, which would later return in Final Fantasy XI. Although abandoned by subsequent installments in the series, a similar system was adopted by the Sa. Ga series, also produced by Square. As a side note, Final Fantasy II was actually designed by Akitoshi Kawazu, who later designed the Sa. Ga series, rather than Hironobu Sakaguchi, the seriess creator. Because of the seriess popularity in America during the 9. Final Fantasy II was one of the first games to undergo fan translation, in this case by Neo. Demiforce. Final Fantasy II was originally scored by Nobuo Uematsu, and it was Uematsus seventeenth work of video game music. The games music was arranged by Tsuyoshi Sekito for the Wonder. Swan Color, Play. Station, Game Boy Advance and Play. Station Portable remakes. Gameplay Edit. Final Fantasy II is unique in the Final Fantasy series for not utilizing experience based levels. Instead of earning experience points at the end of every battle, each character participating in battle develops depending on what actions the character takes during the battle. For example, characters who frequently use a particular type of weapon sword, bow, axe, etc. Similarly, characters who frequently cast a particular magic spell will learn to cast more powerful versions of that spell, as well as increasing their magical power. HP and MP, will similarly increase depending on need a character who ends a battle with only a small amount of health remaining may earn an increase in their maximum amount of hit points, and a character who expends the majority of their magic points during a single battle may increase their maximum amount of magic points. A characters level of proficiency with each of the seven weapon types, as well as shields, can be viewed on the status screen. A handful of bugs related to this advancement system were still present in the games released version, the most notable of which was the ability to cancel a previously issued command and still gain the stat increasing benefits of having performed the action. This was possible because the games turn based battle system gave the player the opportunity to input commands for all four members of the battle party at once. At any point in time before the command for the final character in the lineup was issued, the player could hit a button and return to the previous character to reissue a command. Since many statistics, such as weapon and magic spell proficiency, were based on how many times a particular command was used in battle, a little patience meant it was possible to quickly advance in proficiencies in the space of a single battle round. A similar problem manifested in the way hit point increases were granted, which allowed characters to attack members of their own party to increase their maximum hit points. These problems were faithfully replicated in both the Wonder. Swan Color and the PS ports. The GBA remake eliminated the command cancel bug, though the hit point increase trick remained. Various other changes were made to the GBA Version, including regular maximum hit point increases outside of those gained as outlined above, to decrease game difficulty. Menu screen PSP. Battle parties can consist of up to four characters at a time. Three of these characters are present throughout the entire game, but the fourth position rotates amongst a variety of characters. Final Fantasy II was the first game in the series to allow a friendly character to be placed in the back row during battles. Characters placed in the back row are immune to most physical attacks, but can be harmed with bows and magical attacks. In a similar way, enemies can be arranged in up to four rows of two creatures each for a maximum of eight hostile opponents on screen at any one time. Only the two rows closest to the players party could be damaged with physical attacks. By eliminating the two closest rows the player can then physically damage the other rows of enemies. Throughout the course of the game, when in conversation with Non player characters NPCs, the player has the ability to learn special words or phrases, which can later be repeated to other NPCs to gain more information or unlock new actions. Similarly, there exist a handful of special items that can be shown to NPCs during conversation, which have the same effect. Synopsis Edit Characters Edit. The main cast of Final Fantasy II. Final Fantasy II was the first game in the series to have an actual main cast of characters with names and histories. The first three characters can never be changed, whilst the fourth character is always changing. Firion is the main character. The adopted friend of Maria and Leon, and childhood friend of Guy, he seeks to destroy the empire in hopes of avenging his fallen family. Maria is Firion and Guys childhood friend, and the female lead. She quests in the hopes of finding her brother Leon, who disappeared after being attacked by the Empire. Guy is a friend of Firion and Maria. He speaks in a stunted manner, and has the ability to speak to animals. However, this is a unique ability and it is only used once in the entire game. Leon is Marias older brother, and the new Dark Knight of Palamecia. He went missing during the attack on Fynn, and has since grown to be the emperors most faithful follower. Late in the game, he joins the trio and helps them defeat the final boss. Minwu is a White Mage and Hildas personal adviser. He joins the party during their first adventures, and is learned in the arts of magic. Josef is a miner, and helps the resistance gain mythril. He joins the party for only a short time, but his small contribution matters greatly in the end. Gordon is the prince of Kashuan, and fled from battle after his brother, Scott, died in the battle for Fynn. He believes himself to be a coward, and to prove himself fit for the throne, he journeys with Firion and his allies to aid in the defeat of the empire. Leila is a pirate who attempts to rob the party, but her crew is weak and Firion, Maria, and Guy easily defeat them. She repents, and decides only to attack the Empire instead. Ricard Highwind is the last Dragoon of Deist. Having been stuck in Leviathan for some time, he is quite eager to return to action and stop the Empire in order to avenge his fallen allies. Scott is a prince of Kashuan and the older brother of Gordon. Fynn burns. A long lived peace.