Shop for White T Shirt online at Target. Free shipping on purchases over 35 and save 5 every day with your Target REDcard. Rango is a 2011 American 3D computeranimated Western action comedy film directed by Gore Verbinski, written by John Logan, and produced by Verbinski, Graham King and. Rango 2. 01. 1 film Wikipedia. Rango is a 2. 01. Download Open Season 2 Movie Score here. American 3. Dcomputer animated. Westernactioncomedy film directed by Gore Verbinski, written by John Logan, and produced by Verbinski, Graham King and John B. Carls. Rango was a critical and commercial success, and won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. The film was released on Blu ray and DVD on July 1. The release had been produced as a two disc Blu ray, DVD, and Digital Copy combo pack with both the theatrical and an extended version of the film, cast and crew commentary, deleted scenes, and featurettes.