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Obi Wan Movie Working Title Hints At Tatooine. The working title for the in development Obi Wan spinoff movie suggests audiences will be following the Jedi Knights time in exile on Tatooine. Last week, word came out that Lucasfilm was in the early stages of putting together an anthology film for Kenobi, who is unquestioningly one of the most important characters in Star Wars lore. Oscar nominated director Stephen Daldry Billy Elliot is said to be in early talks to helm the project, which currently has no release date. Running Away Movie Dvd Quality. Buy The Simpsons Movie Read 551 Movies TV Reviews Amazon. Need extra bricks mini figs Get them at Mr Toys Toyworld LEGO Online Store. Buy branded pinball machines online at affordable cost from The Pinball Company, visit our website for more information. Full preview with cast, story and production information. Buy The Simpsons Movie Online' title='Buy The Simpsons Movie Online' />In fact, details are so slim right now, Ewan Mc. Gregor hasnt formally signed on yet. It remains to be seen what story Obi Wan tells, but its long been speculated the film will cover the roughly 2. Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, when Kenobi was on the desert world Tatooine watching over young Luke Skywalker. As fans wait for official confirmation on Lucasfilms part, the latest development on the spinoff indicates this is exactly what is in the cards. According to Omega Underground, the working title for Obi Wan is Joshua Tree. While some Star Wars working titles have been quite silly see Space Bear Blue Harvest, this one potentially could be pertinent to the plot. Fans of U2 will recognize the name from the bands critically acclaimed album, the cover of which features Zabriskie Point in Southern Californias Death Valley. That location was used for some of the Tatooine scenes in A New Hope. Unless this is purely coincidental and Lucasfilm is paying homage to Bono and The Edge, it certainly sounds like fans will see the famous planet on the big screen once again. This does not necessarily mean Obi Wan would film in the same areas as the original Star Wars, but it is definitely in the realm of possibility. As Omega Underground notes, California has instituted new incentives in an effort to attract high profile Hollywood productions for production. Captain Marvel and Bumblebee are two recent examples of tentpoles setting up shop in the state, so it will be interesting to see if Obi Wan follows suit. In keeping with the modern Star Wars tradition, its thought the spinoff will first film at UKs Shepperton Studios before moving to real world locations. Of course, since everything is in the initial stages, its difficult to say for sure. Many will be curious to see when Lucasfilm makes an official announcement regarding the Obi Wan movie, as they were quiet on that front during D2. July. With Daldry in talks and a working title in place, some progress must have been made on the project, so perhaps more concrete details will be revealed in the near future. Of course, the studio still has a lot on their plate right now with Last Jedi promotion and Han Solo continuing to undergo changes, so they may not be ready to share information about Obi Wan at this point in time. Source Omega Underground. Key Release Dates. Star Wars 8Star Wars The Last Jedi release date Dec 1. Untitled Han Solo Star Wars Anthology Film release date May 2. Star Wars 9 Star Wars Episode IX release date Dec 2.

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