Let me make one thing brutally clear I love Eeros wifi routers. I love how the company brought mesh networking into the mainstream. I love how the hardwares. Theres a reason for their sugary diet. This population of bears in Wisconsin lives by the lawhunters can feed them bait for up to six months out of the year. Read all the hottest movie news. Get all the latest updates on your favorite movies from new releases to timeless classics, get the scoop on Moviefone. Eeros Latest Router Is So Easy I Dont Care How Much It Costs. Let me make one thing brutally clear I love Eeros wi fi routers. I love how the company brought mesh networking into the mainstream. I love how the hardwares designed. I love how elegant the software is. But Eeros promise isnt new any more. So when it came time to test out the company second generation tech, I wanted one thing. I wanted Eero to impress me again. What is it A mesh router with style. No Like. Its not a good fit for apartment living. It did. Now in its second year on the market, the Eero routers promise hinges on the idea that wi fi routers should look great, work even better, and generally make your life connecting to the internet easier. Accordingly, the companys sophomore product is a lot like the original but with some subtle upgrades that make the whole concept feel more grown up. The basic Eero Gateway is still the star of the show. This piece of hardware looks almost exactly like the original Eero routers square, white, svelte. The new Eero flagship boasts a tri band wi fi radio that offers three networks2. GHz, a 5. 2. Ghz, and a 5. GHzsimultaneously. This effectively means you can run high bandwidth applications on two separate networks in the 5. GHz range without interfering with devices that have more basic needs. Those can talk to the 2. Ghz network. The older Eero routers only offered the 2. HGz and a single 5. GHz radio. But in human speak, the new Eero Gateway is a workhorse with bigger muscles than its predecessor. What really thrilled me, however, was Eeros new form factor that lets you expand your home wi fi network without cords. Theyre called Beacons. The new Eero Beacons are half the size of a Gateway, and they plug directly into the wall, like a night light. In fact, they double as night lights, a feature that seems gimmicky until you stumble to the bathroom at 3am and realize that a next generation wi fi router is keeping you from tripping over the pair of shoes you forgot youd left in the hallway. The Beacons arent quite as powerful as the Gateway theyre still packing dual band wi fi antennas that more closely resemble the original Eero routers. However, this wont really matter as long as you keep your bandwidth hogs in a central location near an Eero Gateway, where they can best access the strongest wi fi signal. You also have the option of using only Eero Gateways, but that setup is more expensive and wire tangled than the new Beacon approach. All this means is that your Eero Gateway should be close to your TV, set top box, gaming console, and VR rig LOL. Those are the kinds of gadgets that will require the most bandwidth. You wont even notice the difference in speed if youre just streaming music or surfing the web from other corners of your house. If you need to hardwire any of your devices, the Gateway also includes two ethernet ports alongside a USB C port that powers the device. The Beacons, on the other hard, dont have any ports. So lets talk about speed. I tested the second generation Eero against three different routers the Fios Quantum Gateway Verizon Fioss standard high speed rental, and the Google Wifi a cheaper mesh networking system. I conducted the tests using LAN Speed Test, which gives you a nice idea of the theoretical max speed for a router when it isnt having to deal with slowdowns from your modem or ISP in the US your routers theoretical max speed will always be way higher than whatever the ISP provides. All three routers were pretty damn close, with the Verizon rental inching past the mesh routers. You should bear in mind that these speed tests all took place a few feet away from the Eero Gateway or respective router. When you venture many yards away, where the Beacons take over, speeds drop a lot. Then again, you shouldnt count on using Beacons for heavy lifting. Let me be clear again speed isnt my favorite thing about the new Eero routers. As someone who never plays video games, streams lots of music and movies, and gets bullied into at least one video chat per month, I dont really notice a difference. What I do love is a good user experience. Wi fi routers are historically awful, in part, because for years, interfaces were designed for network technicians and not for the average consumer. Eero was one of the first companies to focus on making wi fi routers easy to use, and its second generation of routers doubles down on that promise. It took me roughly 6. Eero system. I downloaded an app, plugged in the Gateway, picked a password, and connected to the internet faster than it takes a Radiohead song to find the chorus. Setting up the Beacons was even easier. The app told me to plug one in, and a few seconds later it was live, extending my network and giving me a brand new night light. Seriously, I love the night light feature. Changing the network name or password is equally easy. Instead of logging in to some weird web portal that looks like a malware farm, I just open the app, tap through two menus, and update the settings. The ease of use is not a new feature to the Eero. However, with the second generation of devices, the company also launched a new program called Eero Plus. For 1. 0 a month, you get some extra security features that promise to prevent you from visiting sites with malware or potential phishing scams. You also get a little more control over user profiles and what kinds of content the related devices can access. Put simply, you can prevent juniors laptop from downloading porn. Eero Plus also lets you skip the line, when you call the support line with questions. After enrolling in the free trial, it took me less than an hour to realize that I didnt need any of the Eero Plus features. I feel generally capable of avoiding dangerous websites on my own. I dont have kids. And frankly, the Eero system is such a cinch to use, I dont anticipate calling the support line very often. Plus, the updated Eero wi fi system is expensive enough. One Gateway and one Beacon, the cheapest option, will set you back 3. Adding another Beacon to that package brings the price tag up to 4. The pro package includes three Gateways zero Beacons and costs 5. So Im going to go out on a limb here, and say that the Eero system is designed for people with money to spend who dont want to tinker with their wi fi. The ideal Eero customer probably lives in a large house full of Crate and Barrel furnitureactually, CB2 is more likelyand likes to buy the newest i. Phone as soon as it comes out. This hypothetical person might own a shirt or two from Everlane, probably drives a Volvo, and enjoys the occasional craft cocktail. Full disclosure Im one of these people. Except for the house and money part. I live in tiny apartment in Brooklyn, where Eeros mesh networking technology actually makes little sense. Im also a blogger. So, even though Im a big fan of the gadget, I probably wouldnt even drop 3. Eero set up. I know people who live in big houses, own Eero systems, and cant imagine life without them. But if you live in a home thats less than 1,0. Eero system either. You might want it, though. Good wi fi technology should be invisible. You should set it up, connect your devices, and then forget that its even there because everything works like magic. You can tell from the new Eeros design that the company is making great progress towards this idea. Unlike your current wi fi routerwhich is probably a hideous nest of wires and antennasthe Eero Beacons sort of disappear into the text of your wall. The Gateway, shiny and white, looks like it could be a nice sculpture you put on your shelf. As such, you might want to spend a little extra dough on an Eero just to own the best version of a useful gadget and love it. If youre familiar with the Apple tax, this idea should make sense to you. All that said, if I moved into a bigger place next month, I actually would buy the Eero system.
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Ifit isattachedtothesideorthebottomofthe product,externalshocksmaycausetheIR receivertofall. Itisrecommendedtoattachit tothebackoftheproduct. WL1. 0MS. ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING Portrait Layout Using the Kensington security system TheKensingtonsecuritysystemconnectoris Toinstallinportraitmode,rotatetheset locatedatthebackoftheMonitorset. Formore counterclockwise9. Kensingtonsecurity systemorvisit http www. ConnecttheKensingtonsecuritysystemcable betweentheMonitorsetandatable. NOTE TheKensingtonsecuritysystemisoptional. Youcanobtainadditionalaccessoriesfrom mostelectronicsstores. ASSEMBLING AND PREPARING Mounting on a wall CAUTION Disconnectthepowercordfirst,andthen Forproperventilation,allowaclearanceof1. Monitorset. Otherwise cmoneachsideandfromthewall. Detailed electricshockmayoccur. IfyouinstalltheMonitorsetonaceilingor dealer,seetheoptionalTiltWallMountingBracket slantedwall,itmayfallandresultinsevere InstallationandSetupGuide. 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Toshiba suddenly shuts down by itselfMy Toshiba laptop suddenly shuts down by itself without any warning. Sometimes it works fine for hours, sometimes it shuts down in 1. This complaint we hear from our customers over and over again. About 1. 5 2. 0 of all Toshiba laptops we get for repair, suffer from an overheating problem. Yep, OVERHEATING This is one of the most common problems with Toshiba laptops we deal with. Indications of laptop overheating problem The keyboard and the bottom of your laptop are very hot when the laptop is working. The CPU fans are working all the time at maximum rotation speed and operate much louder than before. The laptop suddenly shuts down by itself without warning. When it just started, the laptop was shutting down after 1 2 hours and how it shuts down after 5 1. The laptop works fine when it runs idle, but shuts down as soon as you start using any memory demanding applications DVD player, image editing software, video editing software, etc. Solution If the CPU heatsink is not clogged with dust and lint completely, you can use canned air and just blow it inside the laptop through the openings on the bottom and on the sides. Its nice as a precaution measure, but it might not work if your laptop already has a problem and the heatsink is completely clogged. Open the laptop case, so you can access the CPU fan and the heatsink. In some cases you can access the heatsink through the latch on the bottom of the laptop. Sometimes you have to open the laptop case all the way down. Carefully disconnect the fan cables on the system board and remove the fan. If the fan makes unusual sound when it spins grinding sound, I would recommend to replace the fan. Clean the fan and the heatsink with compressed air. I would also recommend removing old thermal grease from the CPU and applying new grease for better heat conductivity. UPDATE I just received a nice tip from MC NColorado. I think it could be useful for all of you with guys I decided to use a shop vac to suck the dust out and it worked. I tested it by letting the machine run all night and it worked. Its been a couple of weeks now and Im glad I did it. I was ready to take the machine apart, now Im glad I didnt. Id suggest you use a heavy duty shop vac to clean out the fan and heat sinks first. I agree. Try to fix the problem without taking the laptop apart first but I would recommend using a powerful air compressor instead of a vacuum cleaner. If your laptop is still under warranty, you can take it to any Toshiba Authorize Service Provider and fix the problem at no charge to you. Toshiba Satellite A1. Jon Stewart born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, November 28, 1962 is an American comedian, writer, producer, television host, and occasional actor. Harrison Young was born on March 13, 1930 in Port Huron, Michigan, USA. He was an actor, known for The Game 1997, Saving Private Ryan 1998 and Bubba HoTep 2002. Sonys SpiderMan Homecoming hit tracking today and is projected to have an opening between 90M108M when it opens on July 7. My Toshiba laptop suddenly shuts down by itself without any warning. Sometimes it works fine for hours, sometimes it shuts. Clogged Heatsink Toshiba Satellite A3. Clogged Heatsink. Toshiba Satellite P1. Clogged Heatsink. Absolute championHarrison Young IMDb. Find industry contacts talent representation. Manage your photos, credits, more. Showcase yourself on IMDb Amazon. Gravity Falls Season 2 full episodes watch cartoons online. Synopsis Twins Dipper and Mabel Pines are sent to spend the summer with their greatuncle, Gru.
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This TV Backlighting System Fucked Me Up. This is opulence. Suddenly, there is extra light blasting from behind my TV screen, making a day glow title sequence positively atomic. The Dream. Screen, a backlighting system thats designed to make your TV viewing more immersive, is a luxury that I absolutely dont need. In theory, the supplementary lights change color based on the pixels on the TV screen for an immersive theater experience. In practice, its an overstimulating, distracting, nauseating novelty, and I cant get enough of this shit. What is it A group of LEDs on the back of a television that make viewing more immersive. Like. Those lights are very pretty. No Like. It can be really distracting and there are a lot of wires. Im a fan of the Phillips Hue wireless LED lights, and find the ability to change the color of my room with my phone delightful. Dream. Screen, loosely based on the original Philips Hue adjacent Ambilux television, works in the same vein, so I was keen on it. I do a lot of stupid things to entertain myself, like acquiring a 5. Chart of the top iTunes movies to rent or buy for iPad, iPhone, and Apple TV. Chart of the most popular and best selling iTunes movies 2017 to download is updated daily. Its cake versus ice cream for Splatoon 2s first Splatfest and were streaming all the fun live on our Twitch channel. Come and join the mayhem
Samsung television with a gimmicky curved display. Dream. Screen seemed like an upgrade. I was naive. I didnt realize how much I could loathe and love one product. Depending on what kind of TV you have, the kit costs between 1. HD or 4. K, and the size of your screen. The setup is a small feat in and of itself. There are chunky LED light strips to tape to the back of a TV, differently spaced depending on the size of your tv theres a guide. Theres a smartphone app that works with your wi fi to download and set up. Then you need to plug your video source into the video input of the round HDMI splitter, and plug the output into your TV. There are also two optional sidekick lights for extra glow 6. This thing takes up three fucking outlets. Get ready for a wire rat king. You do get the bigger, brighter TV the products website promises, but the lights dont exactly extend the screen space they sometimes echo, and sometimes compliment the colors of pixels around the very edges of your screen, sending rays of color from behind your television across your walls in time with whatever is on. In the case of a dramatic explosion, this is all very sensible, as a good part of your wall will look onfire. It really shines with material intended to be trippylike whatever the hell that was in episode eight of Twin Peaks The Return above, or that psychedelic 2. A Space Odyssey sequence. The more you give itpink and blue neons, deep redsthe more you get. But it can be confounding in undramatic sequences, with bright blurry bits of clothes and other immovable objects echoing off screen, like dislocated fuzzy chunks. Daylight and black and white sequences result in a bright bluish white screen halo. Letterboxing also presents an obvious, chasmic problemgaps. I want to emphasize the visual loudness of this thing. Even at the lowest brightness, without the two sidekicks, the Dream. Screen is really bright. I like to watch movies in complete darkness and concentrate on the screen. With the Dream. Screen, the entire room is illuminated, including the dirty laundry in the far corner that Im trying to ignore. Say youre the type of person with serious respect for cinematography. The screen bleeding out of the frame in blurry puddles every which way might not be what the cinematographer intended. Despite and because of its flaws, this truly is an accessory of visual excess. Theres also the products weird health benefits claim that it reduces digital eye strain. The claim cites a single 2. TV not hurt your eyes so much. But the study also says that these results are modest and sometimes even the opposite. Speaking from personal experience, staring into a significantly brighter TV area is the oppositemy eyes ache after a while. So I wouldnt take this study very seriously. Where Dream. Screen really shines is gaming. I sit closer to the TV while I game and my focus is more sharply drawn to specific sections of the screen. This position allows the peripheral edges of the game space to blend with the Dream. Screen light extensions and Im significantly more immersed, just as Dream. Screen wanted. When Im not watching the entire screen, the patchiness of Dream. Screens illumination isnt a big deal. Its also more dynamic because more is happening faster, so its swishing around me. Thats neat. For most everything else, its immersive, but kind of like watching TV wasted is immersive. Youre going to get pulled into the light. Youll want to squint. Your eyes might skid. You might ask yourself, do I really need to do this Am I enjoying itWhy am I doing this Excess and novelty are perfectly good reasons to try something. Getting overwhelmed and bored is a great reason to stop. Until then, the trick is getting used to something completely unnecessary. Awhile back, I saw Wonder Woman in 4. DX, which is extra 3. D, with moving theater seats and effects. For two hours in the theater the seat jostled me back and forth and gently spit water into my hair. It was completely unnecessary. But now I wonder, how am I supposed to watch another movie again without steamy, bumpy smell o vision I wasnt even sure I liked 4. DX, but Im going back, obviously. Maybe I want to be thrown around. Maybe Ill always want a bigger, brighter TV. Maybe I want to be perpetually overstimulated by entertainment technology. Maybe I want bright lights strapped to the back of my TV, for extra explosions. Nothing in life is perfect. A lot of the things arent even good. I think this thing is bad, but also good. No one really needs it, but its awfully easy to get used to. When I dont use the lights, I miss them. Sometimes Ill even put them on the ambient setting when Im doing something else. Like rainbow. Or fireplace. Twinkling in the background. Completely fucking with my head. READMEIt takes up to three outlets. Its really bright and dramatic. Best for really bright and dramatic sequences in movies and games. Great for gaming and explosions, not so much for movies you respect. How much youll like it really depends on your definition of immersive. Easy to hate, hard to leave. You Can Stream Thousands of Movies for Free With a New York Public Library Card. Starting Friday, anyone with a New York Public Library or Brooklyn Public Library will be able to stream thousands of awesome movies, including the entire Criterion Collection. Why Because libraries are awesome, thats why. Truth be told, New York is playing a bit of catch up, after Los Angeles offered its public library card holders streaming movie privileges last month. Both cities offer this great new perk through Kanopy, a streaming video service that works with public libraries and universities all over the country. Even if you dont live in New York or LA, theres a chance your local public library also offers this service. Go to Kanopys website to see if youre in luck. Were not talking about free access to a bunch crappy movies youve never heard of. In addition to the Criterion Collection, youll find indie hits like 2 Days in Paris, classic masterpieces like Day of the Dead, and award winning documentaries like I Am Not Your Negro. The New York Public Library deal does have some limitations, though. You can only stream 1. NYPL card and just six if you have a BPL card. Its unclear if Brooklynites can double up and use both library cards to watch 1. On the bright side, you can stream movies from Kanopy to any device. Do you live in Los Angeles and pay for online access to the New York Times Have I got a cheapskate Read more Read. You can apply online for a New York Public Library card here and a Brooklyn Public Library card here. Information about LA Public Library cards can be found here. And dont forget Not only do these library cards offer free movies, you can borrow books for free, too. Free knowledgeGothamist.
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Remix in 2. 01. 3 and moving later that year to Final Fantasy X and X 2, Square Enix has slowly been giving some of its best games an HD face lift or, in some cases, full blown reworks. While the company has discouraged fans interested in HD remasters of games like Final Fantasy VIII and IX, there are plenty of other games in Square Enixs repertoire that are worth revisiting but arent currently easy to access on modern platforms. Vagrant Story. Probably one of the best games on PS1 and quite possibly one of my favorite of all time, Yasumi Matsunos Bordeaux inspired dungeon crawler has some of the best characters and dialogue Ive every encountered. Prior to director Christopher Nolan using unreliable narrators to subvert audience expectations in a blockbuster, Matsuno did so in a super grindy JRPG. The Shakespearean influences in the game are clear, and hold up no matter what, but the games blurry fusion of pixels and polygons dont. They do, however, look great on high resolution using an emulator, which is why Im confident Square could do the same in porting it to current day systems or PC. Vagrant Story might not have seen the financial success of something like Final Fantasy VII, which achieved HD crispness on PS4 in 2. Xenogears. Another game that stands out among the PS1 golden era for the genre, Xenogears could stand not only to get a cleaned up looking port, but also one that slightly recuts the third act to be less text heavy and nonsensical. That said, the continued success of the Xeno brand is a testament to vision laid out in Tetsuya Takahashis original project. It was colorful but grim, and somehow combined Dragon Ball Z style turn based combat with hulking mechs in a convincing way. I also cant think of a better candidate for the new fast forward option Square added to its remasters with The Zodiac Age. The stories, characters, and boss fights are worth bringing Xenogears into the modern era, and a couple of small mechanics could help paper over the rest and make it easier to endure. Parasite Eve. The series only went downhill after the first game, but the middling quality of games like The 3rd Birthday have in many ways masked the expert art direction and body horror of the original Parasite Eve. It turns out that Square Enix could make a pretty mean Resident Evil clone back in the day. And like Capcoms horror series that it borrowed from, Parasite Eve isnt undone by its confusing control scheme or questionable shooting mechanics. Each wintery scene and virus infected lab is still just as chilling as they were in the late 9. Radiata Stories. The PS2 era didnt spawn as many classic games as previous eras, but the tri Ace developed Radiata Stories was one of the consoles rarer gems and more glorious gems. Navigating a persistent world where all the NPCs have their own personalities and goals, Radiata Stories was something between a classic MMO and Animal Crossing if it were transformed into a quest driven role playing game. If youve ever thought Majoras Mask is great, but what if there were twice as many townspeople to track down and help, then Radiata Stories is for you. Its also one of the last unreservedly great games tri Ace had a hand in, as evidenced by the sea of subtle sub systems that elevate character progression management from a hobby into an art. Even if the game were simply to receive the Star Ocean Till the End of Time and pop up on the Play. Station Store with pseudo HD graphics as PS2 Classic, it would be worth it. See episodes of your favorite MTV Shows. Watch the latest Music Videos from your favorite music artists. Get uptodate Celebrity and Music News. SCI FI Channel is now Syfy, but you can still get access to all your favorite SCI FI Channel content right here. Syfy features science fiction, drama, supernatural. Drakengard. Yoko Taro has blown up from a cult favorite to a generally revered designer with the success of Nie. R Automata. One of the earliest games he had a part in was though Drakengard, an inscrutable precursor to the Nie. R series with a beautiful mix of art and music that was held back by awkward pacing. The mix of realism and fantasy, infused with the thematic dissonance of something like Neon Genesis Evangelion, however, is all there, and worth revisiting in light of Taros latest work. But unlike some games on this list, its less clear that Drakengards muddy textures and desolate gray landscapes could stand the test of time, making it, along with Nie. Rs newfound popularity, a better candidate than most for a complete overhaul. Front Mission 5 Scars of the War. While Square Enix has a number of B tier series, few have had such a tumultuous fall from grace than Front Mission. In many ways, Front Mission 5 succeeded as more than the just the sum of its failures, and brought the games many interconnected and overlapping storylines to a satisfactory conclusion. Not content to ocalize the PS2 game and bring it overseas though, Square instead commissioned the makers of Silent Hill Homecoming, Double Helix, to create Front Mission Homecoming, one of the saddest fait accomplis the companys fans have ever had to endure. Forgoing the grid based tactics gameplay for third person shooting, Helix managed to transform the gritty, melancholy war games into a laundry list of excesses and called it a day, all while the series true successor sat just out of reach until it could gain an appreciation from Western audiences years later thanks to fan translations. If Square Enix is ever going to try and rehabilitate the Front Mission name, it could do worse than by starting with remaking Scars of the War for English speaking audiences. Ubisoft Removes Fourth Of July Fireworks From Watch Dogs 2 After Noise ComplaintsA temporary Independence Day celebration in Watch Dogs 2 was suspended early on July 4 because it was enraging too many people who still play Ubisofts late 2. The fireworks had been added to the game as part of the 1. They were set to erupt during the games night cycles from June 2. July 1. 0. On Twitter, they were described by gamers as completely obnoxious, fucking annoying and too frequent, too long and too loud. Someone else said they were scaring their dog. Initially, Ubisoft defended the fireworks. Three days ago, in reply to a forum thread titled Annoying Fireworks At night missions, a Ubisoft community representative noted While you may find them loud in game, they are really loud in real life too The sound carries over the water and you can hear them all over the Bay By yesterday, Ubisoft yielded. On Reddit, a company rep noted The people have spoken and we have carried out their will There was an annoying bug that snuck into our Independence Day Event that made the sound effects from the fireworks noticeable from everywhere on the map. They have been turned off as to avoid any further noise complaints. Ubisoft Its not possible to rush a fix for this so we made a tough choice to remove them. The heart says no but the ear drums say yes. When Tweeting the news, the official Watch Dogs 2 Twitter account ccd the outlet Ars Technica, likely because of the publications Tuesday morning story headlined Ubisoft wishes Watch Dogs 2 players a terrible Fourth of July. Of course, as fans of whatever pop song you hate can tell you that even the most cacophonous noise has its fans. Sure enough, a Watch Dogs 2 player on the games subreddit lamented the firework deletion. The Ubi rep replied We liked them too But when youre playing the game at night for hours and cant escape the popping no matter where you are, thats not a positive experience for the player. Its not possible to rush a fix for this so we made a tough choice to remove them. The heart says no but the ear drums say yes.
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Two weeks each year they get away.